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There are Consular representatives at Belfast, Cardiff, DuMin. Glasgow, Great Grimsby, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Newport, Southampton, Swansea.

2. Of Great Britain in Mexico!

Envoy and Minister. — Sir Henry N. Bering, Bart., C.B. , appointed July 8, 1894.

Secretary. — Francis W. Stronge.

There arc Consular representatives in Mexico City and Vera Cruz, and Vice-Consuls at Acapulco, Campeche, Chihuahua, Coatzacoalcos, Frontera, Guaymas, Laguna de Terminos, Mazatlan, Monterey, Ciudad Porfirio Diaz, Progreso, San Blas, Soconusco, Tuxpam, and Tampico.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Mexico.

1. Official Publications. Anales del ministerio de fomento, colonizacion, industria y comercio. S. Annual. Mexico.

Annario Estadestico do la Republica Mexicana. Annual. Mexico. Boletin del ministerio de fomento de la República Mexicana. Annual. Fol. Jlexico. Boletin semestral de la estadistica de la República Mexicana, a cargo del Dr. Antonio Penatiel. Annual. Jloxico.

Comercio exterior do Mexico. Annual. Fol. Mexico.

Cuadro geografico, estadistico descriptivo e historico de los Estados Unido.s Mexicanos A. G. Cubas. Mexico, IS89.

Datos niercantiles. Annual. Mexico. Estadistica general de la Repiiblica. Annual. Mexico. Menioria del Secretario del despacho de Hacienda. Annual. Fol. Mexico. Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series and Report on Cotton Manufacturing Industry in Mexico, in Miscellaneous aeries, 8. London.

Statistique descriptive et liistorique des Etats Mexicains de Garcia Cubas. 1889. United States Consular Reports for Febrr.ary, 1807. [For Orange-growing in Mexico.] Wa.shington.

Annual Statement of the Trade of tlie United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and Britisli Possessions. 4. London.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Boletin de la sociedad de geografia y estadistica de la Republica Mexicana. S. Mexico, 1878-96.

jBancro/f (11. H.) A Popular History of the Mexican People. 8. London. Resources and Development of Mexico. San Francisco, 1894.

Brocklehunt (T. U.), Mexico To-dav. London. 1883.

Burke (U. R.), Life of Benito Juarez. 8. London, 1894.

Castro (Lorenzo), The Republic of Mexico in 1882. New York, 1882.

C/mrnni/ (D.) Ancient Cities of the New World. Tr. 8. London.

Chevalier (Michel), Le Mexique ancien et moderne. IS. Paris, 1886.

Conkling (Howard), Mexico and the Mexicans. New York, 1883.

Conkling (A. R.), Appleton's Guide to Mexico. New York, 1890.

El economista ^lexicano, weekly. Mexico.

Flint (H. M.), Mexico undor :Maximilian. 12. Philadelphia, 1807.

Glossop (Lady Howard of), Journal of a Tour in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. London, 1897.

Gooch (F. C), Face to Face with the Mexicans. London, 1890.

Griffin (S. B.), Mexico of To-day. New York, 1886.

Hamilton {L. L. C), Hamilton's Mexican Handbook. London, 1884.

Kozhevar(¥j.), Report on the Re]iublic of Mexico. London, 1880.

La BcdolUere (Emile G. de), Histoiro de la guerre du Mexique. 4. Paris, 1866.

Lummis (C. F.), The Awakening of a Nation. New York, 1898.

Ober (F. A.), Travels in Mexico. Boston, U.S., 1884.

Prercott (W. H.), History of the Conque.st of Mexico. 8. London.

liatzel (Fried.), Aus Mexico, Reiseskizzen aus den Jaliren 1874-75. Breslau, 1878.

Roiwro (M.), Geograi>hical and Statistical Notes on Mexico. London, 1898. — Mexico and the United States. [A Study of their Relations.] Vol. I. New York, 1808.

Routier (G.), Le Mexique de nos Jours. Paris, 1895.

Scobel(\.), Die V'erkehrswege Mexicos und ihre wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. In ' Deutsche Geographische Blatter." Band X., Heft 1. Bremen, 1887. Wright (Marie R.), Picturesque Mexico. Philadeljdiia, 1698.

Through the Land of tiie Aztecs, or Life and Travel n Mexico. By a 'Gringo.'

London, 1892.

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