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The cliief articles of import IVoia Liberia to Great Britain in 1897 were palm oil of the value of 3,275/ : coflFee, 9,036Z. ; caoutchouc, 1,558Z. The British exports to Western Africa consist mainly of cotton manufactures, of the value of 12,741Z., and iron, 3,102/. in 1897.

Money, Weights, and Measures.

The money chiefly used is that of Great Britain, but accounts arc kept generally in American dollars and cents. There is a large paper currency. In 1896 a Liberian coinage was established. The coins are as follows : — Silver, 50-, 25-, and 10-cent pieces ; copper, 2- and 1-cent pieces.

"Weights and measures are mostly British.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Or Liberia in Great Britain. Consul-General and Acting Minister. — Henry Hayman.

There are Consuls in London, Birmingham, Cardifi", Glasgow, Hull, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Sheffield, Southampton, Swansea.

2. Of Great Britain in Liberia.

Consul. — Sir F. Cardew, K.C.M.G., Governor of Sierra Leone. Vice-Consul at Moirovia. — AV, A. King.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Liberia.

1. Official Publication, Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. London.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Blyden (E. W.), Christianity, Islam, and the Negro Race. London, 1S87.

Buttikofer (J.), Reisebilder aus Liberia. 2 Bde. Leiden, 1890.

Die Negerrepublic Liberia, in ' Unsere Zeit,' Vol. III. 8. Leipzig, 1858.

Durham (F. A.), The Lone Star of Liberia. Loudon, 1893.

Hutchinson (E.), Impressions of Western Africa. 8. London, 1858.

Johnston (Keith), Africa. London, 1882.

Reports of Council of the Corporation of Foreign Bondholders for 1895-98. Appendices. Loudon, 1896-97.

Hitter (Kai'l), Begrlindung und gegeuwartige Zustande der Republic Liberia, in ' Zeit schrift fiir allgemeine Erdkunde,' Vol. I. 8. Leipzig, 1853.

Schwnrz (Dr. B.), Eiuiges iiber das interne Leben der Eingebornen Liberias, 'Deutsche Kolonialzeitung,' Dec. 15, 1888. Berlin.

Stockivell (G. S.), The Republic of Liberia: its Geography, Climate, Soil, and Produc- tions. With a history of its early settlement. 12. New York, 18(58.

Wauivermans (Colonel H.), Liberia, histoire do la fondatiou d'un etat uegre librc. Brussels, 1885.

iriJson (J.), Western Africa. 8. London, 1850.

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