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are sent to any part of the country. There are Jajtanese post offices at Seoul, Chemulpo, Fusan, Wonsan, and Mokpo.


The legal currency is the copper cash, together with the newly minted silver dollar, silver 20 cent piece, nickel 5 cent, copper 5 cash, brass 1 cash. The amount of the new coinage in circulation is, however, totally inadequate, and is supplemented by the Japanese yen which has recently become prac- tically the currency of the country. The adoption of a gold standard by Japan has caused much confusion in Korea.

British Minister Plenipotentiary. — Sir Claude Maxwell IMacdonald, K.C.M.G. (Peking).

British Charge d' Affaires at Seoul. — John Xewell Jordan, C.M.G. Acting Vice-Consul at Chemulpo. — A. J. Sundius.

Books of Reference concerning Korea.

Foreign Office Reports on tlie Trade of Korea. Annual Series. London.

Bibliogi-aphie Corcenne. 3 vols. Paris, 1897.

Bishop (Mrs. Isabella), Korea and her Neighbours. London, 1897.

Brandt (M. von), Ostasiatisclie Fragen. Leipzic, 1897.

Campbell (C. W.), Report of a Journey in North Corea. Blue Book. Cliina No. 2. 1^~01

Cavendi6h(A. E. J.) and Goold-Adams (H. E.), Korea and the Sacred White Mountain. S. London, lb94.

Courant (M.), Bibliograpliie Coreenne. 3 vols. Paris, 1896.

Ctilin (Stewart), Korean Games. 4. Philadelphia, 1895.

Curzon (G. N.), Problems of the Far East. New ed. 8. London, 1896.

Dallet, Histoiredel'eglisedeCovee. 2 vols. Paris, ls74. [This work contains much accurate information concerning the old political and social life, geography, and language of Corea-].

Gale (J. S ), Korean Sketches, hdinburgh, 1898.

Griffis (W. E.), Corea : the Hermit Nation. London, 1882.

Gundnj (R. S.), China and Her Neighbours. London, 1893.

Hamel (Hendrik), Relation du Naufrage d'un Yaisseau Holandois. &c., traduitc du Plamand par M. Minutoli. 12. Paris, 1670. [This contains the earliest'European account )f Korea. An English translation from the French is given in Vol. IV. of A. and J Churchill's Collection, fol., London, 1744, and in Vol. VII. of Pinkerton's Collection, 4, London, 1811].

Korean Repository. Published monthly. Seoul.

Laguerie (V. de), La Coree, Independante, Russe, ou Japonnaise. Paris, 1898.

Landor (H. 8.), Corea, the Land of the Morning Calm. London, 1895.

Wilkinson (W. H.), the Corean Government: Constitutional Changes in Corea during the Period July 23, ls94— June 30, 189G. 4. Shanghai, 1896. [Contains a detailed account of recent changes.]


(United States of Liberia.) Constitution and Government.

The Constitution of the Kepublic of Liberia is on the model of that of the Qnited States of America. The executive is vested in a President, and the legislative power in a parliament of two houses, called the Senate and the House of Re})resentatives. The President and the House of Representatives ire elected for two years, and the Senate for four years. There are 13 members of the Lower House, and 8 of the Upper House. The President must be chirty-five years of age, and have real property to the value of 600 dollars

or 1201.

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