Xo regular biulgot for the year 1898-99 having been sanctioned by the Diet, the Government had recourse to the estimates of 1897-98 ; but in June, 1898, a supplenientaiy budget was passed providing for additional revenue to the amount of 310,410 yen, and additional expenditure to the amount of 13,743,220 yen. The large deficit will be met by appropriations from the indemnity fund.
The public debt of Japan stood as follows on March 31, 1897 :— Home debt : 7h per cent., 4,000,000 yen; 5 per cent., 378,615,020 yen; no interest, 27,486,363 yen; total, 410,101,383 yen. Foreign debt: 7 per cent., 233,752 yen. Total, 410,335,135 yen. Paper currency, 9,045,082 yen.
II. Local.
The estimated revenue of Fu and Ken for 1896-97 is 21,298,049 yen, and expenditure 22,31,494 yen. The Treasury is to grant to local governments 1,061,758 yen. The actual revenue for 1894-95 of Shi, Clio, and Son was
30,110,595 yen, and expenditiire 27,962,119 yen.