States and Territories Land Area': English sq. miles, 1S90 Population in 1880 Population in 1890 Pop. per sq. mile, 1890 South Central Division : Kentucky (1792) 40,000 1,048,090 1,858,635 46.5 Tennessee (1790) 41,750 1,542,359 1,767,518 42.3 Alabama (1819) 51,540 1,202,505 1,513,017 29.4 Mississippi (1817) 40,340 1,131,597 1,289,600 27.8 Louisiana (1812) 45,420 939,940 1,118,587 24.6 Texas (1845) . 202,290 1,591,749 2,235,523 8.5 Oklahoma (Ter.) (1890) 38,830 61,834 1.6 Arkansas (1830) Total 53,045 802,525 1,128,179 21.3 579,215 8,919,371 10,972,893 18.9 Western Division : Montana (1889) . 145,310 39,159 132,159 0.9 Wvomina; (1890) . 97,575 20,789 60.705 0.6 Colorado (1875) . 103,045 194,327 412,198 4.0 New Mexico(Ter.)(1850) 122,400 119,565 153,593 1.3 Arizona (Ter.) (1803) . •112,920 40,440 59,620 0.5 Utah (1896) . 82,190 143,903 207,905 2.5 Nevada (1804) . 109,740 02,200 45,761 0.4 Idaho (1890) 84,290 32,010 84,385 1.0 Washington (1889) 00,880 75,110 349,390 5.2 Oregon (1859) . 94,500 174,708 313,767 3.3 California (1850) . Total . 155,980 804,094 1,208,130 7.8 1,175,550 1,767,097 3,027,613 2.0 Totals 2,939,000 50,155,783 62,622,250 21.3 Indian Territory (1854) 31,000 Alaska (Ter.) (1808) . Grand Totals 531,000 3,501,000
In addition to the general enumeration of population for the organized States and Territories in 1880 and 1890, there were returned for Alaska 33,426 persons in 1880, and 32,052 persons in 1890 ; while for the Indian Territory and Indian Reserva- tions there were returned in 1890 a total of 325,461 persons, subdivided as follows :
Indian Territory : Indians .... Whites .... Persons of negro de- scent, etc. Total for Indian Ter- ritory
51,279 110,254 18,049 180,182
Indian Reservations : Indians .... 138,168 AVhites, employees, and others . . . 7,114 Total on Indian Reser- vations, etc. . . 145,282
Grand total . 325,464