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The capital of the consolidated and redeemable debt amounted to 12,294,182,508 lire on July 1, 1897, or 491,767,300^. sterling, and the interest 582,464,125 lire, or 23,298, 565^. sterling. The debt per head of population was thus 15^. lis. Qd., and the interest 14s. 9d. The value per head of the special exports (exclusive of the precious metals) in 1897 was II. 8s. 2^d. For the period 1884-89, the real and personal property of Italy, estimated from the inheritances taxed annually, were, by Signor Pantaleoni, put respectively at 33,100 and 21,600 million francs, the total wealth being thus estimated at 54,700 million francs, or 2,188,000,000^. sterling.

11. Local Finance.

The total revenue of the communes of Italy in 1897 amounted, according to official rej)orts, to 646,923,550 lire ; the revenue of the provinces amounted to 130,296,553. The debts of the communes in 1896 (January 1) amounted to 1,202,469,371 lire; of the provinces, in 1895 (January 1), to 164,279,041 lire.

III. Public Pkoperty.

On June 30, 1897, the property of the State was as follows : —

Estimated Value. Lire Financial assets (Treasury) ..... 697,274,253 Property, immovable, movable, loans and various

titles 553,629,376

Property of industrial nature ..... 1,547,989,065 Material in use in army and navy . . 1,343,724,929

Property used in the service of the State , . . 455,361,170 Scientitic and artistic material .... 216,669,215

Total. . . . 4,810,648,008

In the financial year 1896-97 the revenue from State property was : — Railways, 78,215,188 lire; ecclesiastical, 1,973,939 lire; from fixed capital, 7j890,723 lire; from the Cavour Canals, 2,596,498 lire; various, 2,147,055 lire ; total, 92,823,323.

Defence. I. Frontier.

The extent of the land frontier of Italy is as follows : — French frontier 487 kilometres; Swiss 672; Austro-Hungarian 779;

frontier of San Marino 37*8; in all (exclusive of San Marino)

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