There were at the same time 3,294 horses and mules, and 180 guns.
By the terms of a law passed by the Boule in the session of 1887, the numerical strength of the army on the peace footing was fixed at 24,076 men, comprising 16,136 infantry, 4,877 cavalry, and 3,063 artillerymen and engi- neers. On the war footing, the strength could be mobilised to 82,000 men. The territorial army numbers about 96,000 men.
The navy consists chiefly of five armour-clad vessels. Of these the oldest (1867 and 1869) are the Basileus Gcorgios (1,770 tons), carrying two 6 "6 in. Krupp guns on the upper deck, with 10 light and machine guns, speed 12 knots; and a wooden vessel, the Basilissa Olga (2,060 tons), carry- ing six 6-6 in._ guns, speed 10 knots. The steel-built Hydra (4,885 tons), and her sister- ships the Spetsai and Psard, were built in France in 1889-90, Each is protected by an over-all steel belt of 11*8 in, at the water- line, above which is another belt 2-9 in, thick. Each carries three 10*6 in. and four 5 '9 in. Canet guns, besides seven 6 pdr. quick-firers, and 16 other small and machine guns. The Psara has received new and additional armament at Toulon. There are 17 torpedo boats over 86 feet in length, 1 torpedo depot and school, and 2 Nordenfeldt submarine torpedo boats. Of unprotected vessels there are 2 corvettes (1,300 and 1,800 tons), 2 cruisers (1,000 tons each), launched 1884-85 ; 12 gun-boats (6 built 1881-84, the rest old) ; 3 revenue vessels (1884) ; a steel yacht, built in 1868, and an iron transport, besides miscellaneous craft. During the war with Turkey, the Greek fleet Avas inactive, useless bombardments only being undertaken. The personnel of the navy includes about 185 officers and cadets, 247 employes, 587 petty officers, 1,643 sailors, 503 stokers, &c, ; total, 3,165 men. The navy is manned partly by conscription from the people of the sea-coast and partly by enlistment. In 1887 the period of service was made two years instead of one. a
Production and Industry.
Greece is mainly an agricultural country, and the existing manufactures are few and unimportant.
According to an official report of 1893, the acreage of agricultural produc- tion is approximately as follows : —
Cereals Cotton Tobacco Vineyards . Currants Olives . Figs, &c. Various Fallow. Forest .
Bush. 20,250,000
Lbs. 16,000,000
Gall. 66,000,000
Lb.s. 350,000,000
,, 15,000,000
,, 60,000,000
There are, besides, about 5,000,000 acres of pasture and 3,000,000 acres of waste land. By the draining of Lake Copais, an area of about 60,000 acres has been acquired for agricultural purposes. Of this area about 22,800 acres
is now cultivated, while the remainder serves for pasturage.