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Ajifricultural enclosures (1895), 7,218, vvitli a })opulatioii of 11,725, of whom 5,180 were actively engaged on the farms. Of these enclosures 4,186 were less than 1 hectare each ; 2,399 ranged from 1 to less than 10 ; 625 from 10 to less than 100 hectares ; while only 8 had an area of 100 hectares and upwards. Their total area was 24,016 hectares. In 1896 the area (in hectares) under rye was 5,247 ; wheat, 1,943 ; barley, 288 ; potatoes, 1,558 ; oats, 2,525; hay, 3,902. The yield (in tons) was: rye, 9,938; wheat, 4,082; barley, 496; potatoes, 17,285; oats, 4,713; hay, 13,904.

The State has 15 miles of railway.

British Goiisul-Gcncral. — William Ward (Hamburg). Official Publication.

Schaumlnirg-Lipiii.scho Landcsanzeigeii bezw. Laudesverordimngen.



Reigning Prince.

Giinther, born August 21, 1852, succeeded his cousin Prince Georg, Jan. 19, 1890; married Decembar 10, 1891, to Princess Anna Luiso of Schonburg- Waldenburg.

The Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt line is a younger branch of the house of Schwarzburg, being descended from Albert VIL, 1605, who died in the middle of the seventeenth centuiy. The present sovereign has a civil list of 297,012 marks. The State doniains are the property of the reigning family.

Constitution and Finance.

The fundamental law of the Principality is the Constitution of March 21, 1854, modified November 16, 1870. For all legislative measures the Prince has to obtain the consent of a Chamber of Representatives of sixteen members, four of whom are elected by the highest assessed inhabitants, and the rest returned by the general population. The deputies are elected for three years. |

There are triennial budgets. For the period 1897-99 the annual public in- come and expenditure were settled at 2, 778, 050 marks each. There is a public debt of 3,884,000 marks, one-fourth of which is covered by productive investments.

Area and Population.

The Principality has an area of 363 English square miles, and, in 1895, the population was 88,685 (43,035 males, and 45,650 females). Population per square mile 244 '3. The population is Protestant, there being (1895) only 479 Catholics, and 81 Jews. Rudolstadt, the capital, has (1895) 11,907 inhabitants. In 1897 there were 745'" marriages, 3,226 births, and 1,792 deaths; surplus of births, 1,434. Of the births, 100 (3"0 per cent.) were stillborn, and 369 (11 '0 per cent.) illegitimate. Emigrants in 1892, 239 ; 1893, 88 ; 1894, 38 ; 1895, 42 ; 1896, 31. In 1896 there were 886 convic- tions for crime, or 145 per 10,000 of population over the age of 12.


On June 14, 1895, there were in the Principality 13,264 farms, as follows : under 1 hectare, 7,072 ; 1-10 hectares, 5,186 ; 10-100 hectares, 986 ; over 100 hectares, 20. Their total area was 72,899 hectares. They supported a popu- lation of 27,195, of whom 11,770 were actually engaged in agriculture. In 1897 the cultivated area and the yield were as follows : —

Rye, 7,428 hectares, yielding 7,940 tons ; wheat, 3,428 hectares, yielding 6,247 tons; barley, 3,168 hectares, yielding, 4,333 tons; oats, 5,192 hec- tares, yielding 6,233 tons; potatoes, 6,006 hectares, yielding 59,496 tons; hay, 7,430 hectares, yielding 29,545 tons.

There are (1896) 42 miles of railway.

Britiah Coiisul-Gciicral. — J. L, Schwabach (Berlin).

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