At the end of 1897 the total length of the Saxon State Railways was 2,050 miles, 170 miles being in neighbouring teiritoiies ; besides, 25 miles of railways belonged to companies but were worked by the State.
British Minister Resident. — Sir A. Condie Stephen, K.C.M.G., C.B., (residing at Coburg).
British Consul-Gcneral. — Freiherr C. C. B. von Tauchnitz (Leipzig).
Consul at Dresden. — Henry Palmie.
References concerning Saxony.
Kalender und Statistisches Jahrbuch fiir das Konigreich Sachsen auf das Jalir lS9i). Dresden, 1898*
Staatshandbuch fur das Konigreich Sachsen. Dresden, 1898.
Zeitschrift des K. Siichsischen Statist. Bureaus. Dresden, 1898.
Hassel (P.), Aus dem Liebeus des Kunigs Albert von Sachsen. Berlin, 1898. [Ip progress.]
Reigning Prince,
Georg, born October 10, 1846, son of Prince Adolph Georg ; succeeded his father May 8, 1893 ; married, April 16, 1882, to Princess Maria Amia, of Saxo- Altenburg, born March 14, 1864. — Offspring : — 1. Prince Adolph, born February 23, 1883. 2. Prince Moritz, born March 11, 1884. 3. Prince Wolrad, born April 19, 1887. 4. Prince Stephan, born June 21, 1891. 5, Prince Heinrich, born Sept, 25, 1894. Mother of the Reigning Prince : — Princess Herminc, born Sept. 29, 1827, daughter of the late Prince George Heinrich of Waldeck. — Brothers and Sister of the Reigning Prince. — 1. Princess Herminc, born Oct. 5, 1845 ; married, Feb. 16, 1876, to Maximilian, Duke of Wiirtr temberg, who died July 28, 1888. 2. Prince Hermann, born May 19, 1848. 3. Prince O^^o, born Sept. 13, 1854; married (morg. ) Noveniber 28, 1893, to Anna von Koppen, created Countess von Hagenburg. 4. Prince Adolph, born July 20, 1859 ; married, November 19, 1890, to Princess Victoria of Prussia, daughter of the late Emperor Friedrich. The reigning house of Lippe is descended from a count of the same name who lived in the sixteenth century.
Constitution and Finance.
The Principality has a Constitution, dated November 17, 1868, under which there is a legislative Diet of 15 members, two of whom arc appointed by the Prince, one nominated by the nobility, one by the clergy, one by certain functionaries, and the rest elected by the people. To the Prince belongs part of the legislative and all the executive authority.
For the financial year 1898-99 the revenue was stated at 1,080,489 marks, and the expenditure the same. There was in 1898 a public debt of 481,500 Uiarks.
Area and Population.
The census of 1875 gave a population of 33,133 ; of 1890, of 39,163, on an area of 131 English square miles. On Dec. 2, 1895, the population was 41,224 (20,693 males and 20,531 females). Marriages, 1896, 332 ; births, 1,327; deaths, 620; surplus of births, 707. Of the births 22 (17 per cent.) were stillborn, and 40 (3'0'per cent.) illegitimate. Emigrants, 1892, 27 ; 1893, 42 ; 1894, 3 ; 1895, 8 ; 1896, 3 ; 1897, 2. In 1896 there were 198 criminal convictions, or 697 per 10,000 of population over 12 years of age. Except 607 Catholics and 366 Jews (1890) the inhabitants are Protestaut,
Buckeburg, the residence town, has 5,620 inhabitants (1895).