1894, 64 ; 1895, 68 ; 1896, 66 ; 1897, 34. In 1896 there were 1,945 miminals convicted or 119-9 per 10,000 of population over 12 years of age.
In 1895 there were in the Duchy 31,907 separate farms, as follows 1 under 1 hectare, 15,370 ; 1-10 hectares, 13,469 ; 10-100 hectares, 3,011 ; over 100 hectares, 57. Their total area was 166,229 hectares. They supported a population of 67,540, of whom 32,106 were actively engaged in agriculture. In 1896 the cultivated area and produce were as follows : —
Hectares 1,000 kilog.
1,000 kilog.
Wheat Barley
Potatoes ...
13,413 18,255 27,283
There are 163 miles of railway.
British Consid- General. — Freiherr Chr. K. B. von Tauchnitz (Leipzig)
Statistik des Herzogthums Sachsen Meiningen. Meiningen, 1SS2-1897.
(Grossherzogthum Sachsen- Weimar.)
Reigning Grand-duke.
Carl Alexander, born June 24, 1818; the son of Grand-duke Karl Friedrich and of Grand-duchess Marie Paulowna, daughter of the late Czar Paul I. of Russia. Succeeded his father July 8, 1853 ; married October 8, 1842, to Sophie, born April 8, 1824, daughter of the late King Willem II. of the Netherlands, died March 23, 1897. Offspring :— I. Prince Carl Auaust, born July 31, 1844 ; married August 26, 1873, to Princess Pauline of Saxe- Weimar; died November 20, 1894; offsining, (1) AVilhelm Ernest, heir- apparent, born June 10, 1876, and (2) P>ernhard Heinrich, born April 18, 1878. II. Princess l/a?'m, born Jainiary 20, 1849 ; married February 6, 1876, to Prince Heinrich VII., of ReUss-Schleiz-Kostritz. III. Princess Elisabeth, born February 28, 1854 ; married Nov. 6, 1886, to Johann, Duke of Mccklenburg- Schwerin.
Cousins of the Grand-duke.
I. Prince Eduard, born October 11, 1823, the son of the late Duke Bern- hard of Saxe- Weimar ; major-general in the British army ; married Nov. 27, 1851, to Lady Augusta Catherine, born Jan. 14, 1827, daughter of the fifth Duke of Richmond.
II. Prince Herrmann, born August 4, 1825, brother of the preceding; married June 17, 1851, to Princess Augusta, born October 4, 1826, youngest daughter of King Wilhelm I. of AViirttemberg, of which union there are oft'spring five children.
The family of the Grand-duke stands at the head of the Ernestine or elder line of the princely houses of Saxony, which include Saxe-Meiningen, Saxe-Altenburg, and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha ; while the younger, or Albertiue line, is represented by the Kings of Saxony. In the event of the Albertine line bcconung extinct, the Grand-duke of Weimar would ascend the Saxon
throiic. Saxe-Wcimar was formed into an imU^pendcnt Principality in 1640.