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Lignite . Iron ore . Pig iron .





531,128,418 48,781,565 28,407,328






582,660,597 53,296,979 33,731,064


Prussia yields aboiit one-half (150,616) of the world's annual production; of zinc ; and copper (25,997 tons) and lead (108,879 tons) are also found. The total value of the mining products in 1897 was 738,917,554 marks,, and of the smelting products 409,623,517 marks.


The trade of Prussia forms an important part of the general trade of the- German customs district (Zollverein), which now includes the whole of the Empire, with exception of few districts in Baden and of small parts of the ports of Hamburg, Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, and Geestemiinde. This, is carried on through the various ports of the Baltic and North Seas,, through many navigable rivers and canals, and an extensive network of roads, railways, telegraphs and telephones. There are 84 chambers and corporations- of commerce in the large towns of the Kingdom. The most important commercial towns are Berlin, Konigsberg, Danzig, Stettin, Posen, Brcslau, ^Magdeburg, Altona, Hanover, Frankfort-on-j\Iain, Cologne, Elberfeld, and: Barmen. There are no separate statistics for the trade of Prussia; it is- included in that of Germany,

Internal Communications.

The railway system of Prussia is extensive and complete. On April 15, 1898, the length of the system open for traffic was as follows : Owned or ad- ministered by the State, 12,442 miles ; owned and administered by private companies, 416 miles ; total, 12,858 miles. There were, besides, 105 miles of narrow gauge railway belonging to the State, and 161 miles belonging to private persons.

The whole of the railways of Prussia will in time become national property. As will be seen from the budget statement, a very large revenue is derived by the State from the railways.

References concerning Prussia.

Centralblatt fiir die gesammte Unterrichts-Verwaltnng in Preussen. Herausgegeben in dem Ministerium der geistlichen, Unterrichts und Medicinal-Angelegenheiten. Ergjinzungs- heft : Stati.stische Mittlieiluiigcn liber das hohere Unterrichtswesenim Konigreich Preussen. 14 Heft. 1897. Berlin, 8'.

Die endgiiltigen Ergebnisse der Volkszahlung vom 1. Dezember 1890 im Konigreiche Preussen. Berlin, 1893.

Handbuch iiber den Kiinigl. Pi'eussischen Hof und Staat fiir das Jahr 1897. 8. Berlin, 1898.

Preussische Statistik. Herausgegeben vom Konigl. Statist. Bureau. Folio. Berlin, 1895.

Statistisches Handbuch fiir den Preussischen Staat. Berlin, 1893.

Zeitschrift des Konigl. Preussischen Statistischcn Bureaus. 4. Berlin, 1897.

Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Hiitten-und Salinenwesen in jireussischen Staate.

Droysen (J. G.), Geschichte des preussischen Politik. 5 vols. Leipzig.

Goltz (Th. L. von der), Die liindliche Arbeiter und der preussische Staat. 8. Jena, 1S93.

Hue de Grata, Handbuch der Verfassnng und Verwaltung in Preussen und den deutschen Reiche. 5 ed. Berlin, 1886.

Jan«c7i (K.) and Samwer (K.), Schleswig-Holsteins Befreiung, Wiesbaden, 1897.

Pollard (J.), A Study of Municipal Government. The Corporation of Berlin. 2 ed.

Loudon, 1S94.

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