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Religion, Instruction, and Justice.

In 1805 Oklcnlmrg contained 289,020 Protestants (77-5 per cent.), 81,492 Roman Catholics (21-8), 1,197 other Christians (0-3), 1,430 Jews (0-4). ^ The State Church (Protestant) is under the Ministry for Ecclesiastical Affairs.

The following table shows the higher schools of Oldenburg in 1896 : —


No. of Teachers

72 36 30 26




No. of Pupils

Gymnasia ..... Realschulen .... Hbhere Biirgerschulen . Hohere Tochterschulen CI • r Protestant Seminary | Catholic . .

Biirger and agricultural

5 2 6 3


1 1

864 656 675 490 116 30 82

In addition to these are a middle ' Stadtschulc' for boys, with 16 teachers and 632 pupils ; two ' Stadtschulen ' for girls, with 23 teachers and 610 pupils ; and a school of navigation, with 6 teachers and 55 pupils.

Oldenburg contains an Oberlandesgericht and a Landgericht. The Amts- gerichte of Liibeck and Birkenfeld are under the jurisdiction of the Landge- richte at Liibeck and Saarbriicken respectively. In 1896, 2,619 persons, or 100 '5 per 10,000 inhabitants above the age of twelve, were convicted of crime. Recent statistics on pauperism are not available.


Of the total area in 1894, 201,077 hectares were uncultivated ; about half the population are engaged in agriculture and cattle-rearing, &c. In 1895 the number of agricultural holdings was 59,106 ; of these, 24,326 were less than 1 hectare, 26,632 were from 1 to 10 hectares, 8,079 from 10 to 100 hectares, 69 over 100 hectares. Their total area was 495,002 liectares. The farms supported 136,846 persons, of whom 60,391 were actually engaged in agriculture. In 1897 the area (in hectares) under rye was 66,030 ; under wheat, 5,558; barley, 7,567; potatoes, 15,403 ; oats, 33,371 ; hay, 74,069. The yield was (in metric tons): rye, 79,563; wheat, 12,063; barley, 12,157 ; potatoes, 142,940 ; oats, 38,929; hay, 186,495.

Oldenburg had 290 miles of railway on January 1, 1897, which are all under the direction of the State.

British Minister Plenipotentiary. — Sir F. C. Lascelles, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.

Comul- General. — William Ward (Hamburg).


Zeitschrift filr Verwaltung und Rechtspflege (three times a year).

fcJtatistische Nacluichten iiber das Grossherzogthuiu Oldenburg (published bj' the Bureau of Statistics.)

Kollmann (P.), Das Herzogthum Oldenburg in seiner wirthschaftlichen Entwickelung Oldenburg, 1893. Statistische Beschreibung der Genieindcn des lierzogthiuns Olden-

burg. Oldenburg, IS'Jl.

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