It will be seen that the two governments of longest duration during the period from 1791 to 1870 were the Limited Monarchy of Louis Philippe, and the Empire of Napoleon III., each of which lasted eighteen years.
Church and Education.
The population of France, by the census of May 15, 1866, consisted of 36,420,664 Roman Catholics, 1,591,250 Protestants, 158,994 Jews, and 21,000 members of other sects and forms of belief. In Algeria there were, besides, 2,778,281 Mahometans. In regard to Protestants, this official statement is greatly at variance with that of the Synods and Consistories, the heads of which estimate the members of the Reformed Church at 630,000, and those of the Lutheran Church at 305,000, giving a total of less than a million of Protestants.
The religion of the civil population of Paris, numbering 1,799,980, was ascertained to be as follows at the census of May, 1866 : — ■
Per cent, of Population
Roman Catholics ..... Protestants ......
Other religions ......
Persons declaring to belong to no religion .
Total ....
All religions are recognised by the State, but only the Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Jews, are noticed in the budget ; the latter only since 1831. In the last budget the allowances to the Roman Catholic clergy amount to 49,819,936 francs, or very nearly 2,000,000/. sterling; and those to the Protestant Church, 1,493,436 francs, or 59,737/. The whole income of the Roman Catholic clergy, from public and private sources, is computed to amount to above 100,000,000 francs, or 4,000,000/. sterling ; and that of the Protest- ant ministers to about 150,000/. There are eighty-six prelates of the Roman Catholic Church — namely, seventeen archbishops and sixty-nine bishops. The Archbishop of Paris has a salary of 50,000 francs, or 2,000/., and each of the other archbishops of 20,000 francs, or 800/. ; while the sixty-nine bishops have an income of 15,000 francs, or 600/. each. An extra allowance of 10,000 francs, or -100/., is made to six of these prelates, on account of their being cardinals, and, as all cardinals are ex-qfficio senators, the farther sum of
3,000 francs, or 1,200/., is paid to them in this capacity. The other