proprietors is increasing from year to year, and the number of great
landowners decreasing in proportion. Of the latter class, there were 7,959 in 1834, and only 5,790 in 1860, while of the former the numbers were—87,867 in 1834, and 135,933 in 1860.
The occupations of the people are stated as follows in the last census. Out of an average of 1,000 people, 395 live exclusively by agriculture; 228 by manufactures and trades; 187 are day labourers; 53 are commercial men; 29 mariners; 20 paupers; 16 ministers and schoolmasters, or connected with education; 15 pensioners, or people living on 'aftægt' (an allowance to those who cede their farms from old age, &c.); 13 servants; between 11 and 12 hold appointments in the civil offices; 9 are commissioned and non-commissioned officers in the army and navy; 9 capitalists; 7 follow scientific and literary pursuits (including students at the Universities); and about 5 are returned as having no fixed means of living.
Trade and Industry.
The commerce of Denmark is carried on mainly with Germany and Great Britain, the imports from the former amounting to about 2,000,000 £., and from the latter to 1,500,000 £., and the exports to the former to 3,500,000 £., and to the latter to rather more than 2,300,000 £., on the average of the five years 1864–68. After Germany and Great Britain, Denmark has the greatest trade with Sweden and Russia. The precise amount of the commercial transactions with these countries is not known, as the Danish official returns do not give the declared or real value of the imports or exports, but only the weight of the same.
The commercial intercourse between Denmark and the United Kingdom is shown in the subjoined tabular statement, exhibiting the value of the total exports from Denmark to Great Britain and Ireland, aside with the imports of British and Irish produce and manufactures into Denmark, in the ten years 1860 to 1869:—
Years | Exports from Denmark to Great Britain |
Imports of British Home Produce into Denmark |
£ | £ | |
1860 | 2,575,958 | 731,162 |
1861 | 1,371,933 | 766,210 |
1862 | 1,431,171 | 830,706 |
1863 | 1,625,294 | 880,687 |
1864 | 2,242,300 | 1,190,609 |
1865 | 2,284,287 | 1,263,953 |
1866 | 2,291,909 | 1,202,811 |
1867 | 2,588,921 | 1,282,358 |
1868 | 2,170,398 | 1,450,359 |
1869 | 2,236,952 | 1,574,562 |