Advertising Sheet. 767
HOPE-SCOTT, JAMES ROBT., Esq., Q.C., Tempi-, Chairman. LAW, HENRY SHEPHARD, Esq., Bush Lane, Deputy-Chairman.
Abbott. Charles James, Esq., 8 New Inn.
.Bennett, Rowland Nevitt, Esq., Lincoln's Inn.
Bloxam, Charles John, Esq., Lincoln's Inn Fields.
Bume, Henry H., Esq., Bath.
Cholmeley, Stephen, E>q., Lincoln's Inn Fields.
Erie, Peter, Esq., Q.C., Park Crescent.
Fane, William Dashwood, Esq., Norwood Hill, Southwell, Notts.
Gaselee, Mr. Serjeant. Serjeants' Inn.
Gwinnett, William Henry, Esq., Chelten- ham.
Hedges, John Kirby, Esq., Wallingford.
Jay, Samuel, Esq., Lincoln's Inn. Lake, George. Esq., Lincoln's Inn. Lawrance, Edward, Esq., 14 Uld Jewry
Chambers. Lefroy, George Bentinck, Esq., 5 Robert
Street, Adelphi. Locke. John, Esq., Q.C., M.P., Temple. Loftus, Thomas, Esq., New Inn. Lucas, Charles Rose, E-q.. Lincoln's Inn. Steward, Samuel, Esq., Lincoln's Inn
Fields. Still, Robert, Esq., Lincoln's Inn. Vizard, William, Esq.. Lincoln's Inn Fields. Warter, Henry De Grey, Esq., Longden
Manor, near Shrewsbury.
Philip Roberts, Esq., 2 South Square, | James Wells Taylor, Esq., Great James
Gray's Inn. Mreet, Bedford Row.
Josiah T. Paul, Esq., Tetbury. | Sterling Westhorp, Esq., Ipswich.
Physician— H. Pitman, M.D., 28 Gordon Square.
Solicitor— R. H. Burne, Esq., 37 Lincoln's Inn Fields.
Bankers— Union Bank of London, Chancery Lane.
Actuary and Secretary— Rnlph Price Hardy.
Assistant Actuary— George William Berridge.
The Society commenced Business in the year 1846. On Dec. 31, 1869— The Total Amount of Existing Assurances was £-2,753,000
The Society's Investments amounted to 551,403
The Annual Premium Income in 1869 was 83,747
The Total Income was 106.527
The Expenses of Management were 3,819
The Premiums on New Assurances were 10,849
Any person upon whose life a Policv depends may, in time of peace, travel to and reside in any place distant not less than thirty-three degrees from the Equator, and in Madeira and all the Australian Colonies, except Port Essington, without extra charge.
Policies for the whole period of life, upon which three premiums have been paid, will be purchased upon liberal terms, ranging between 33 and 60 per cent, of the premiums paid. Or, in consideration of the surrender of any such Policy, a new Policy will be granted without any further premium for a stated sum payable at the decease of the life assured.
FOUR-FIFTHS OF THE PROFITS divided amongst the Assured every Five Years- Persons insured Two "Years, dying before the division, shar- in Profits.
The Reversionary Bonuses added to the Policies in this Society have amounted, on the average, to Two per cent, per annum on the sum assured.
EALPH P. HAKDY, Actuary and Secretary.