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Exports from Western Australia to Great Britain

Imports of British Home

Produce into Western


1865 1866 1867 1868 1869

£ 73,951 75,439 84,984 92,087 88,094

£ 112,511 110,739 78,802 107,847 108,508

The exports of the colony to Great Britain consist almost entirely of wool, copper, and lead ore. The wool exports were of the value of 67,377/. in 1866, of 66,755Z. in 1867, of 74,076*. in 1868, and of 69,227*. in 1869. Of copper ore the exports to Great Britain amounted to 5,569*., and of lead ore to 4,562*. in 1869. The soil is believed to be rich in mineral ore, principally copper, and coal has been found in small quantities. Gold is likewise supposed to exist in Western Australia, and in 1869 a reward of 5,000*. was offered by the Government ' for the discovery of a workable gold- field in the colony.'

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Australasia.

1. Official Publications.

Keports showing the present state of Her Majesty's Colonial Possessions. Presented to both Houses of Parliament. Despatches of the Governors of New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia. Fol. London, 1869.

Statistical Tables relating to the Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom. Part XIII. Fol. London, 1870.

Statistical Abstract for the several Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom in each year, from 1854 to 1868. No. VI. 8. London 1870.

Annual Statement of the Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions in the rear 1869. Imp. 4. London 1870.

Statistical Abstract for the United Kingdom, in each of the fifteen years from 1855 to 1869. No. XVI. 8. London, 1870.

Fourteenth Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs, on the Customs. 8. London, 1870.

Thirtieth Report of the Emigration Commissioners. 8. London, 1870.

Papers relating to the Affairs of New Zealand. Presented to Parliament by command. London, 1866.

Correspondence respecting the Non-enactment of the Appropriation Act in Victoria. Presented to Parliament by command. London, 1866.

Further Correspondence relative to the non-enactment of the Appropriation

Act in Victoria, and the recall of Governor Sir C. Darling. London, 1868.

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