1,513 female convicts; and 5,302 males, and 1,342 females, free by servitude.
The number of immigrants who arrived in the colony in the twelve years 1829 to 1840 amounted to 41,794. During the years 1841 and 1842 the number of immigrants was 30,224. The popula- tion of Sydney, in 1833, was 16,233; and in 1836, 19,729. In 1840 it amounted to 29,973; and in 1845-46, to 38,358. The colony was relieved from the transportation of criminals in 1840. By the Act of 13 & 14 Vict. cap. 59, the district of Port Phillip was formed into a separate colony, under the name of Victoria.
The area of New South Wales embraces 478,861 English square miles, while the census of April 7, 1861, showed a total population of 358,278, of whom 202,099 males and 156,179 females. In the decennial period 1853-62 the number of immigrants into the colony amounted to 164,923, of whom 106,508 males and 58.415 females. A considerable number of these immigrants, namely 34,215 males and 34,827 females, was brought into the colony, either wholly or partly, at the public expense, while the rest, 72,293 males and 23,588 females, came unassisted. It will be seen that, while the assisted immigration was conducted with due regard to the equalisation of the sexes, the voluntary immigration set at nought this important social consideration. The number of immigrants introduced into the colony in 18G5 at the public expense was 2,717, of whom 495 were English, 155 Scotch, 2,041 Irish, and 26 of other countries. The whole outlay on emigration during the year was 34,149/. lis. 10*7., being equal to 121. lis. 4|cZ. each. The number of emigrants who arrived at their own expense was 641. The whole number of immigrants, therefore, who reached the colony was 3,358. The immigration of 1866 showed a great falling off, the total arrivals sinking to 1,852. Of these 1,852 immigrants, but 648 came at their own expense, while 1,204 were introduced at the public cost. The latter comprised 190 English, 64 Scottish, and 950 Irish persons, while as to religion, 3G9 were Protestants and 835 Poman Catholics, mostly natives of Ireland.
The population of New South Wales on December 31, 1865, was estimated at 411,388, showing an increase of 18,799 over the previous year. On December 31, 1866, the number had risen to 431,414, giving an increase of 20,026 within the twelve months, and on December 31, 1867, it had risen to 447,^20, giving an increase of 16,208 for the year. The number of births re- gistered in 1869 was 18,485, while the deaths were 11,269, giving an increase of population of 7,216. The sexes at the end of 1869 were in the proportion of 55 - 8 per cent, males, to 44*2 per cent, females.
The educational state of the colony is shown in the subjoined table, giving the number of public and private schools, and of the
attending scholars, in each of the years 1865, 1866, and 1867.