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7-00 SIAM.

The legal money of Siam is the Tical, a silver coin, with the device of an elephant impressed, weighing 236 grains troy. Spanish dollars, largely in use, are accepted in payment at the rate -of 3 dollars for 5 Ticals.

Weights and Measures. The Tael . . . . . = 1^- oz. avoirdupois.

„ Picul = 133 lbs.

„ Catty = l£ „ „

„ Chang . . . . . = 4 yards.

The basis of all measures of Aveights in Siam is the Niu, equal to tS grains of husked rice ; Avhile the measures of length are taken from the Kup, or Keub, that is, the length of the thumb to the middle finger of a grown-up man, and the Sok, the length of the lower part of the arm, from the end of the middle finger to the elbow.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Siam.

1. Official Publications.

Reports of Mr. Thos. Geo. Knox, Consul-General, on the Trade of Siam, dated Bangkok, February 12, 1870; in 'Commercial Reports from H. M.'s Consuls in China and Siam.' 8. London, 1870.

Report by Mr. J. M. Hood, U.S. Consul at Bangkok, dated January, 1868, on the Trade and Social Condition of Siam, and the capital of Bangkok ; in ' Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Nations.' 8. Washington, 1868.

Annual Statement of the Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom. 4. London, 1870.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Alabaster (Henry) The Modern Buddhist; being the Views of a Siamese Minister of State on His Own and other Religions. Translated. 8. London, 1870.

Bastian (Adolf), Die Volker des ostlichen Asiens. 3 vols. 8. Leipzig and Jena, 1866-67.

Bowring (John), The Kingdom and People of Siam. 2 vols. 8. London, 1857.

Grchan (A.) Le royaume de Siam. 8. Paris, 1868.

Mouhot (Henry), Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cam- bodia and Laos, during the years 1858-1860. 2 vols. 8. London, 186-1.

Palleqoix (D. J.), Description du Royaume Thai ou Siam. 2 vols. 8. Paris, 1854.

Spiess (Gust.), Die Preussische Expedition nach Ostasien wahrend der Jahre 1860-1862. Reise-Skizzen aus Japan, China, Siam und der Indischen Insel-

welt. 8. Berlin, 1865.

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