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part of the Council. The appointment of the members of the Council, and of the executive governors and lieutenant-governors of the various territories and provinces of the empire, rests with the Secretary of State for India.
Revenue and Expenditure.
According to the Act of 1858, the revenue and expenditure of the Indian empire are subjected to the control of the Secretary in Council, and no grant or appropriation of any part of the revenue can be made without the concurrence of a majority of the Council.
Such parts of the revenues of India as may be remitted to England, and moneys arising in Great Britain, must be paid into the Bank of England ; and paid out on drafts or orders signed by three members of the Council, and countersigned by the secretary or one of his under-secretaries. The sovereign of Great Britain is empowered to appoint from time to time an auditor of the accounts, with power to inspect all books and examine all officers, and his report is to be laid before Parliament. The accounts of the whole revenue and expenditure of the Indian empire must be laid annually before Parliament.
The subjoined table gives the total gross amount of the actual revenue and expenditure of India, in each of the ten fiscal years ending April 30, from 1860 to 1869, and March 31 subsequently. By a decision of the Government the termination of the financial year was changed in 18G7 from the 30th of April to the 31st of March, and the accounts of the year ending March 31, 1867, embrace a period of only eleven months : —
Years end- ed April 30
and March 31
In India
In Great Britain
1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869
39.705,822 42,903,234 43,829,172 45,143,752 44,613,032 15, 652,897 48,935,220 42,122,433 48.534,412 49,262,691
44.622,269 40,408,239 37,245,756
36,800,805 38,087,772 39,452,220 41,120,924 37,094,406 41,646,947 43,225,587
£ 7,239,451 7,745,848 7,624,476 7,252,317 6,894,234 6,998,770 6,211,178 7,545,518 8,497.622 10,181,747
£ 51,861,720 48,154,087 44,870,232 44.053,122 44,982,006 46,450,990 47,332,102 44.639,924 50,144,569