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Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning China.

1. Official Publications.

Abstract of Trade and Customs Revenue Statistics from 1864 to 1868, pub- lished by the Imperial Maritime Customs. Presented to both Houses of Par- liament. Fol. London, 1869.

Commercial Reports from H. M.'s Consuls in China and Siam. 8. pp. 103. London, 1870.

Commercial Reports from H. M.'s Consuls in China, Japan, and Siam 1865 8. London, 1866.

Reports of Journeys in China and Japan performed by Mr. Alabaster, Mr. Oxenham, Mr. Markham, and I)r. Willis, of H.M.'s Consular Service. Pre- sented to both Houses of Parliament. Fol. London, 1869.

Reports by Consul Swinhoe of his Special Mission up the river Yang-tsze- kiang. Presented to both Houses of Parliament. Fol. pp. 27. London, 1870.

Report of the Delegates of the Shanghae Chamber" of Commerce on the Trade of the Upper Yangtsze river. Presented to Parliament. Fol pp 67 London, 1870.

Correspondence respecting Inland Residence of English Missionaries in China. Presented to the House of Commons. Fol. pp. 44. London 1870.

Annual Statement of the Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries. Imp. 4. London, 1870.

Statistical Tables relating to Foreign Countries. Part XII. Fol London 1870.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Abel (C), Arbeiten der Kaiserlich Russischen Gesandschaft zu Peking iiber China, sein Volk, seine Religion. Aus dem Russischen. 2 vols 8 Berlin 1858.

Bastian (A.), Die Volker des Oestlichen Asiens. 2 vols. 8. Leipzig, 1866.

Chinese Topography, being an Alphabetical List of the Provinces, Depart- ments, and Districts in the Chinese Empire, with their Latitudes and Longi- tudes. Canton, 1844. Reprinted in 1864.

Courcy (Marquis de), L'Empire du milieu, description geographique, precis historique, institutions sociales, religieuses, politiques, notions sur los sciences les arts, 1'industrie et le commerce. 8. Paris, 1867.

Davis (Sir John F.), Description of China and its Inhabitants. 2 vols. 8. London, 1857.

Dennys (N. B.) and Mayers (W. T.), China and Japan: a Complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries ; together with Peking, Yeddo Hongkong and Macao. 8. London, 1867.

Ferrari (Joseph), La Chine et l'Europe. 8. Paris, 1867.

Gutzlaff(Q. F. A.), China Opened ; or, a Display of the Topography, History, Customs, Manners, Arts. Manufactures, Commerce, &c. of the Chinese Empire' 2 vols. 8. London, 1838. ^

Hanspach (Rev. A.), Report for the Years 1863 and 1864 of the Chinese Vernacular Schools, established in the Sinon, Kiushen, Fayuen, and Chonglok districts of the Quangtung province. 8. Hongkong, 1865.

Hue (L'Abbe E. R.), L'Empire chinois. 2 vols. 8. 4th ed. Paris, 1862.

Lauture (Comte dEseayrac de), Memoires sur le Chine : Gouvernement 4

Paris, 1864. ' '

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