Money, Weights, and Measures.
The money, weights, and measures of Ceylon are the same as those in the United Kingdom, but the ordinary coin of the country is the Rupee of British India. Accounts are kept in pounds, shil- lings, and pence, and the rupee is current at the par of 2s.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Ceylon.
1. Official Publications.
Report of Governor Sir Hercules G. R. Robinson, dated Colombo, Septem- ber 14, 1867; in 'Reports, showing the present state of H. M.'s Colonial Possessions.' Part III. Eastern Colonies. Fol. London, 1868.
Report of Governor Sir C. J. MacCarthy, dated Colombo, August 20, 1863 ; in 'Reports on the Past and Present State of H. M.'s Colonial Possessions.' Part II. London, 1864.
Report on the State of Ceylon, dated July, 1864; in 'Reports on the Past and Present State of H. M.'s Colonial Possessions.' Part II. London, 1865.
Statistical Tables relating to the Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom. Part XII. Fol. London, 1868.
Statistical Abstract for the Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom. No. VI. 8. London, 1870.
2. Non-Official Publications.
Baker (S. W.), Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon. 8. London, 1855.
Duncan (George), Geography of India. Part II. Ceylon. 8. Madras, 1865.
Mouat (Frederic J.), Rough Notes of a Trip to Reunion, the Mauritius, and Ceylon. 8. Calcutta, 1852.
Pridham (C), Historical, Political, and Statistical Account of Ceylon. 2 vols. 8. Loudon, 1849.
Bansonnet- Villez (Baron E. von), Ceylon : Skizzen seiner Bewohner, seines Thier und Pflanzenlebens. Fol. Brunswick, 1868.
Schmarda (L. K), Reise urn die Erde ; Zeilon. Vol. I. 8. Braunschweig, 1861.
Sirr(K. C), Ceylon and the Cingalese. 2 vols. 8. London, 1851.
Tennent (Sir James Emerson), Ceylon : an Account of the Island, Physical,
Historical, and Topographical. 5th ed. London, 1860.