Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning the Cape Colony.
1. Official Publications.
Cape of Good Hope Blue-book for 1870. Capetown, 1870.
Census of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 1865. Presented to Par- liament. Fol. Capetown, 1866.
Report from Governor Sir P. E. Wodehouse, dated Cape Town, Nov. 11, 1867, in 'Reports showing the present state of Her Majesty's Colonial Possessions.' Presented to both Houses of Parliament March 30, 1868. Fol. London, 1868.
Correspondence regarding the establishment of responsible government at the Cape of Good Hope, and the withdrawal of troops from that Colony. Presented to the House of Commons. Fol. pp. 26. London, 1870.
Statistical Tables relating to the Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom. Part XIII. Fol. London, 1870.
Statistical Abstract for the several Colonies and other Possessions of the United Kingdom. No. VI. 8. London, 1870.
2. Non-Official Publications.
Cape of Good Hope Directory for 1870. 8. Capetown, 1870.
Chase (Hon. John Centlivres) and WUmot (A.), History of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, from its discovery to the year 1868. 8. pp. 552. London, 1870.
Fleming (J.), Southern' Africa : geography, &c. of the colonies and inhabi- tants. 8. London, 1856'.
Fritsch (Dr. Gust.), Drei Jahre in Sud-Afrika. 8. Breslau, 1868.
Hall (H), Manual of South African Geography. 2nded. 8. Capetown, 1866.
Meidinger (H), Die siidafrikanischen Colonien Englands, und die Freistaaten der holliindischen Boeren in ihren jeteigen Zustanden. 8. Frankfurt A.M., 1861.
Pos (Nicolaas), Eene stem uit Zuid-Afrika, Mededeelingen betreffende den maatschappelijken en godsdienstigen toestand der Kaap-Kolonie. 8. Breda, 1868.
WUmot (G.), An historical and descriptive account of the colony of the Cape
of Good Hope. 8. London, 1S63.