The various branches of expenditure in 1868 were as follows : —
Branches of Expenditure Amount
Governor and other officers 48,733
Judicial 16,168
Administration of justice 10,535
Divisional courts 28,006
Civil commissioners . 12,941
Stamp Office 308
Police, gaols, and constables 53,517
Crown forests . . . . . . . 1,380
Customs 13,413
Revenue services ....... 809
Ecclesiastical 15,382
Educational 21,644
Medical 11,310
Hospitals, lepers, and destitute ..... 23,025
Mounted frontier force 52,676
Border magistracy 8,713
Parliamentary expenses ...... 16,966
Pensions and retired allowances ..... 22,602
Conveyance of mails ....... 33,369
Convict expenditure 50,354
Pent ' 8,262
Transport 10,676
Works and buildings 9,881
Roads, streets, and bridges 19,384
Aborigines 11,178
Special payments . . 13,163
Immigration ........ 51
Railways 227
Loans refunded ........ 5,508
Interest on debt . ' 102,653
Miscellaneous expenses 33,298
Total expenditure . . 656,172
The colony had a public debt, at the end of 1868, of 1,101,650/. The debt dates from the year 1859, when it amounted to 80,000/. It rose to 368,400/. in I860; to 565,050/. in 1861; to 715,050/. in 1863 ; to 851,650/. in 1865 ; and to 1,101,650/. in 1867. The debt bears interest at the rate of 6 per cent., with the exception of the sum of 255,400/. at 5 per cent., and the whole is under pro- mise of repayment by instalments extending to the year 1900. — (Communication of the Governor to the Statesman's Year-book.)
Area and Population.
The Cape Colony was originally founded by the Dutch, under
Van Kiebeek, about the year 1652 ; the Portuguese having before