of the exports of Venezuela to Great Britain, and of the imports of British produce and manufactures in 1865-69, was as follows: —
Exports from Vene- zuela to Great Britain
Imports of British
Hoiue Produce into
1865 1866 1867 1868 1869
389,434 410,423 260,136 265,098 434,306
The chief article of export from Venezuela to Great Britain in 1869 was Brazil wood, of the value of 17,700/. In the preceding years raw cotton took the lead, but the exports of it sank from the value of 186,828/., in 1865, to 144,407/. in 1866, to 75,135/. in 1867, to 10,212/. in 1868, and to 7,985/. in 1869. The imports from Great Britain comprise mainly cotton and linen manufac- tures, the former of the value of 304,119/., and the latter of 34,179/., in the year 1869.
Money, Weights, and Measures,
The currency is the same as that of Colombia (see page 529), with equal adoption of the French metric system.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Venezuela.
I. Official Publications.
Eeports of Mr. Charles H. Loehr, United States Consul at La Guayra, dated October 31, 1867, and of Mr. A. Lacombe, United States Consul at Puerto Cabello, dated November 14, 1867, on the Trade, Industry, and General Con- dition of Nicaragua ; in ' Commercial Eelations of the United States with Foreign Nations.' 8. Washington, 1868.
Copy of a despatch from the Governor of Trinidad, reporting unfortunate results of emigration to Venezuela. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, May, 1870. Fol. London, 1870.
Annual Statement of the Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries. Fol. London, 1870.
II. Non-official Publications. Codazzi (Col. Aug.), Resumen de la geografia de Venezuela. 8. Paris, 1861. Eastwick (Edward), Venezuela, or Sketches of Life in a South American Republic ; with a history of the Loan of 1864. 8. London, 1868.
Glikkler (H.), Venezuela und deutsche Auswanderung. 8. Schwerin, 1850.
Thirion (C), Les e-tats-unis de Venezuela. 8. Paris, 1867.