regular lines of steamers to the chief ports of Turkey. Egypt, and Greece. The company owned in 1869 a fleet of 70 steamers, of 12,500 horse-power.
Money, Weights, and Measures.
The money, weights, and measures of Austria, and the British equivalents, are as follows : —
Money. The Florin, or Gulden, of 100 Neu-Kreuzer, = 2s.
The legal standard precious metal in the Empire is silver, and the Florin, divided into 100 'New' Kreuzer, the unit of money. By virtue of a treaty ■with the Zollverein. signed Jan. 24, 1857, the currency is based upon the so- I'alled ' Forty-five Florin standard,' that is a Pfund, or pound, of fine silver, is coined into 4,5 florins. Practically the chief medium of exchange is a paper currency consisting of banknotes of all denominations, from 1,000 florins- down to 1 florin. The paper money, fluctuating in value from day to day, can only be converted at a large discount into gold and silver.
Weights and Measlhes.
The Centner = 100 Pfund . = 123^ lbs. avoirdupois.
„ Mark (Gold and Silver) . = 9ozs. troy.
,, Elmer .... = 14'94 wine gallons.
„ Jock . . . . = 1'43 acre.
„ Metze .... =1*7 imperial bushel.
„ Klafter .... =67 cubic feet.
„ Me'ile = 24,000 Austr. feet = 8,297 yards, or about 4| British
statute miles.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Austria.
1. Official Publications.
Hof- und Staatshandbuch des Kaiserthums Oesterreich. 8. Wien. 1870.
Tafeln zur Statistik der Oesterreichischen Monarchic zusammcngestellt von tier Direction der administrativen Statistik. Folio, Wien, 1870.
Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Statistik, herausgegeben von der Direction der administrativen Statistik. 8. Wien, 1870.
Ausweise iiber den auswartigen Handel Oesterreichs im Sonnen-Jahre 18(58. zusammengestellt und herausgegeben von der k.k. Statistischen Central-Com- mission. XXIV. Jahrgang. Folio. Wien, 1870.
Amtliche Statistische Mittheilungen des Ungarischen Handelsministeriums. 1869. Fol. Pesth, 1870.
Report by Mr. P. Sidney Post, U.S. Consul at Vienna, dated Sept. 30, 1867, on the general condition of the Austrian Empire; in 'Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Nations.' 8. Washington, 1868.
Report by Mr. A. G. G. Bonar, British Secretary of Embassy, on the General Resources and the Commerce of Austria, dated Vienna. July 13, 1866 ; in ' Re- ports of Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' No. I. 1867. London, 1867.
Report by Mr. A. G. G. Bonar, Secretary of Embassy, on the Imports and Exports of Austria, date! March 5. 1868 ; in 'Reports of H.M.'s Secretaries
of Embassy and Legation.' No. II. Londou, 1868.