The navy estimates for the financial year ending June 30, 1871, provided for an expenditure of 28,205,671 dollars, or 5,641,034/., against 20,993,414 dollars, or 4,198,683/. for the year ending June 30, 1870. The expenditure for the year 1870-71 was distributed as follows : —
Pay of officers and seamen of the navy . Repairs of buildings and docks Pay of civil establishments . Ordnance and repair of magazines . Coal, hemp, and equipments . Navigation supplies ....
Naval academy .....
Naval observatory and nautical almanack Repair and preservation of vessels Steam machinery and tools . Provisions ......
Repairs of naval hospitals
Support of marine corps
Contingent expenses ....
Dollars 7,600,000 3,722,494
434,647 1,119,062 2,000,000
234,540 39,800 6,975,000 1,750,000 1,405.200 57,800 1,060,627 1,604,000
28,205,671 £5,641,034 The United States possess eight dockyards, namely, Portsmouth, Charlestown, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Washington, Norfolk, Pensa- cola, and Mare Island. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, has an area of 63 acres, and a water front of about 1,000 feet ; Charlestown, near Boston, covers 80 acres of ground, and the water frontage is about 600 feet ; Brooklyn covers a surface of 80 acres of ground, and has an available water frontage of 1,200 feet; Philadelphia yard has 15 acres surface, and a water front of about 600 feet ; and Washington yard has an area of 42 acres, two acres of which are marsh, and there is a water frontage of 900 feet with two building slips. Norfolk and Pensacola yards were destroyed in the civil war, and at present no work of any importance is done at either of them ; and Mare Island, on the Pacific, is as yet unfinished, and is used only as a place of temporary repair for ships of the navy.
Area and Population.
The area of the United States, according to Land-office measure- ments, is 2,819,Kll square miles, exclusive of the immense district lono- known as ' Russian America,' purchased from the Russian Go- vernment by treaty of June 20, 1867, and annexed to the Re- ] ii!> lie Oct. 18, 1867, under the name of 'Alaska.' Excepting this territory, of an estimated extent of 385,000 square miles, the area of the United States is equal to 1,921 ,28*, 233 acres, of which 1,400,549,033 are public lands for sale by the Government Land- office. Onlv one-fourth of the country is inhabited to any great
extent by civilised people.