(Republica del Paraguay.)
Constitution and Government.
The Republic of Paraguay gained its independence from Spanish rule in 1811, and after a short government by two consuls, the supreme power was seized, in 1815, by Dr. Jose Gaspar Rodriguez Francia,who exercised autocratic sway as Dictator, till his death, Sept. 20, 1840. Dr. Francia's reign was followed by a state of anarchy, which lasted till 1842, when a National Congress, meeting at the capital of Asuncion, -elected two nephews of the Dictator, Don Alonso and Don Carlos Antonio Lopez, joint consuls of the Republic. Another Congress voted, March 13, 1844, a new constitution, and, March 14, elected Don Carlos Antonio Lopez sole President, with dictatorial powers, which were continued by another election, March 14, 1857. At the death of Don Carlos, September 10, 1862, his son, Don Francisco Solano Lopez, born 1827, succeeded to the supreme power, by testamentary order, without any opposition. To protect the independence of Uruguay, President Lopez, in 1865, made opposition to the government of Brazil, the consequence of which was the entry of a Brazilian army, united with forces of the Argentine Confederation and Uruguay, into the Republic, June, 1865. After a struggle of five years, carried on with varying successes, Don Francisco Solano Lopez was defeated and killed in the battle of Aquidaban, March 1, 1870.
A Congress, meeting under Brazilian protection at Asuncion in June 1870, voted in August a new constitution tor Paraguay, based on the model of that of the Argentine Confederation, and at the same time elected a President of the Republic for the term of six years.
President of the Republic. — Don Cyrillo Hivarola, eltcted August 1, 187(3.
The country is divided into 20 sections, or commandancias, ex- clusive of a territory in the south-east, called the Missions, occupying 600 square leagues, and governed by a special officer.
Revenue, and Army.
The public revenue of Paraguay was estimated at 500,000/.
sterling, and the expenditure the same, until 1865. About two-