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Eeports by Mr. E. T. C. Middleton, on the Mines and Mineral Districts, and on the Sulphur Deposits of Mexico, dated July 10 and December 31, 1866 ; in 'Eeports by H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' Nos. I. and II. 1867. London, 1867.

Eeport by Mr. E. T. C. Middleton, on the Silver Mines of Guanaxuato, dated November 29, 1867; in 'Eeports by H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Lega- tion.' No. I. 1868. London, 1868.

Reports by Mr. C. Move, U. S. Consul at Chihuahua, dated June 3, 1867, Mr. F. B. Elmer, U. S. Consul at La Paz, dated Sept. 30, 1867, and of Mr. F. Chase, U. S. Consul-General at Tampico, dated June 30, 1867, on the com- merce, agriculture, and mining industry of Mexico; in ' Commercial Eelations of the United States with Foreign Nations' 8. "Washington, 1868.

Statistical Tables relating to Foreign Countries. Part XL London, 1868.

Message of the President of the United States of March 20, 1866, relating to the Condition of Affairs in Mexico, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives, of Dec. 11, 1865. 8. Washington, 1866.

2. Non- Official Publications.

Alaman (Lucas), Hist oria de Mexico, 5 vols. 8. Mexico, 1849-65.

Berra (Orozco), Geografia de las lenguas de Mejico. 8. Mexico, 1864.

Chevalier (Michel), Le Mexique ancien et moderne. 18. Paris, 1866.

Bomenech (Emmanuel), Le Mexique tel qu'il est. La verite sur son climat, ses habitants et son gouvernement. 12. Paris, 1866.

Eghffstein (Baron F. W. von). Contributions to the Geology and the Physical Geography of Mexico ; with Profiles of some of the principal Mining Districts. 8. New York, 1865.

Flint (H. M.), Mexico under Maximilian. 12. Philadelphia, 1867.

Hauslab (Frz. v.), Ueber die Bodengestaltung in Mexico und deren Einfluss auf Verkehr und militarischen Angriff und Vertheidigung. "With Maps and Plates. 8. Vienna, 1865.

La Bedolliere (Emile G. de), Histoire de la guerre du Mexique. 4. Paris, 1866.

Maillefert (Eugenio), Directorio del comercio del imperio niexieano para el ano de 1866, primer ano. 8. Paris, 1866.

Miiller (J. W.), Eeisen in den Vereinigten Staaten, Canada und Mexico. 3, vols. 8. Leipzig, 1865.

Thomas (N.), Notice sur les principales productions du Mexique. 8. Paris, 1868.


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