(Republica de Costa Eica.)
Constitution and Government. ]
The Republic of Costa Rica, an independent state since the year 1842, is governed by the Charter of January 21, 1847, modified in 1859, 1860, and 1863. By its terms the legislative power is vested in a congress of two chambers, called the Senate and the House of Representatives, the first consisting of 25, and the second of 29 members, elected by the people. The executive authority is in the hands of a President, elected, together with a Vice-President, who acts as chairman of the Senate, for the term of three years.
President of 'the Republic— Dr .Bruno Carranza, declared President by the leaders of a revolution which broke out May, 1870, depriving of the executive Dr. Jesus Ximenes, elected April, 1869, and pre- viously head of the government from 1863 till 1866.
The President is assisted in the exercising of his executive and administrative functions by two ministers, nominated by himself, the first having under his charge the departments of finance, justice, and foreign affairs ; and the second, those of the interior, army and navy, and public works.
Revenue, Population, and Trade.
The public revenue of Costa Rica for the year ending April 30, 1868, amounted, according to government returns, to 1,500,785 dollars, or 300,357/., and the expenditure to 1,594,427 dollars, or 318,885/., leaving a deficit of 94,642 dollars, or 18,52s/. The fol- lowing statement gives the details of the receipts and disbursements for the year: —
Revenue of 1867-68.
Tobacco monopoly- Liquor Gunpowder Stamped paper Post office . Inland revenue Subsidies
Tax on coffee exports Duties on foreign imports Courts of Justice fees
Cents 86 78 25 49 50 48 64 6 32 83
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