Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Colombia.
1. Official Publications.
Report by Mr. Bunch, H. M.'s Charge d' Affaires, ' on the Financial Condi- tion of the United States of Colombia,' dated Bogota, May 11, 1868; in 'Re- ports of H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' No. V. 1868. London, 1868.
Reports by Mr. Little, U. S. Consul at Panama, and Mr. Pellet.U. S. Commer- cial Agent at Sabanilla, on the Shipping, Trade, and Industry of the States of Colombia, dated December 1866 and October 1867; in 'Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Nations.' 8. Washington, 1868.
Statistical Tables relating to Foreign Countries. Part XL fol. London, 1868.
• Annual statement of the Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. pp. 516. London, 1870.
(In this great Blue-book, as well as other official returns of the Board of Trade, Colombia is called 'New Granada'— old name of the country, which ceased to exist September 20, 1861.)
2. Non-Official Publications.
Hassaurek (F.), Four Years among Spanish Americans. 12. New York, 1867.
Marr (N.), Reise nach Centralamerika. 2 vols. 8. Hamburg, 1863.
Mosquera (General), Compendio de geografia general politica, fisica y special dos Statos Unidos de Colombia. 8. London, 1866.
Powles (J.), New Granada: its internal resources. 8. London, 1863.
Restrepo (S.), Historia de la revolucion de Colombia. 10 vols. 8. Paris, 1837.
Samper (M.), Ensayo sobre las revoluciones politicas y la condicion de las republicas Colombianas. 8. Paris, 1861.
Zeltner (A. de), La Ville et le port de Panama. 8. Paris, 1868.