The metric system of France has been legally established in Chili, but the old weights and measures are still in general use.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Chili.
1. Official Publications.
Memoria que el Ministro de Estado en el departamento del Interior presenta al Congreso nacional de 1868. 8. Santiago de Chile, 1868.
Memoria que el Ministro de Estado en el departamento de Hacienda presenta al Congreso nacional de 1868. 8. Santiago de Chile, 1868.
Estadistica de la Republica de Chile. 8. Santiago de Chile, 1868.
Report by Mr. Consul Tait on the Trade of Coquimbo for the year 1864; in ' Commercial Reports received at the Foreign Office.' 8. London, 1865.
Statistical Tables relating to Foreign Countries. No. XL Fol. London, 1868.
Annual Statement of the Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions in the year 1869. Imp. 4. pp. 516. London, 1870.
Report by Mr. J. H. McColley, U.S. Consul at Callao, dated Sept. 30, 1867, on the trade, industry, and social progress of Peru; in ' Commercial Relations of the United States, with Foreign Nations.' 8. Washington, 1868.
2. Non-Official Publications.
Asta-Buruaga (Francisco S.) Diccionario Qeografico de la Republica de Chile. 8. New York, 1868.
Menadier (J.) Estadistica comercial comparativa de la Republica de Chile. 4. Valparaiso, 1865-66.
Menendez (Baldomero) Manual de geografia y estadistica de Chile. 8. Paris, 1861.
Scherzer (Karl von) Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857-59. 8. Vienna, 1864.
Wappaus (Prof. J. C.) Die Republiken von Siid-Amerika, geographisch, statistisch, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Production unci ihres Han-
delsverkehrs. 8. Gottingen, 1866.