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524 CHILI -

and the latter of 146,274/., in 1869, form the chief articles of export from Chili to the United Kingdom. The exports of the year 1869 also included, for the first time, a considerable quantity of raw cotton, valued at 144,852/. Of British produce sent in return, cotton manufactures, of the value of 719,377/., and woollens, of the value of 282,879/. in 1869, form the staple.

The commercial navy of Chili consisted, on August 30, 1866, ol 259 vessels of 57,111 tons burthen, with 2,866 sailors.

Chili was among the first States in South America in the construc- tion of railways, made for the special object of facilitating trade and industry. Subjoined is a list of the lines, their length, and cost, which were open for traffic in the middle of 1869, at which period about one-half of the railway network for which concessions had been given by the government had been constructed :



Total cost

Cost per kilometre

From Valparaiso to Santiago . „ Santiago to Curico „ Caldera to St. Antonio . „ Pabellon to Chanarcillo . „ Coquimbo to Las Cardas







Pesos 10,834,798 5,526,000 2,960,000 1,000,000 1,040,000







Total. . . \


English miles


21,360,798 £427,215

The two lines of railway from Valparaiso to Santiago, and from Santiago to Curico, belong to the state, and the others to private companies. More state railways are in course of construction, and the foreign loan of 1,012,700/. raised in 1870 was granted by the Congress of the Republic for the completion of an important line connecting Chillar and Talcahuano.

Money, "Weights, and Measures. The money, weights, and measures of Chili are : —

Monet. The Pesos, or Dollar = 100 Centavos . Average rate of exchange, 3s. 9d. Weights and Measures.

The Ounce

,, Libra


fof 25 pounds Arr6ba \oi wine or spirits Gallon

Vara .... Square Vara

1-014 ounce avoirdupois. 1-014 lb. 101-44 „ 25-36 „ 6 - 70 imperial gallons. 074 0-927 yard.

0-859 square yard.

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