standing, all over the country the ancient weights and measures are employed concurrently. They are : —
The Libra . = 1*012 lbs. avoirdupois.
„ Arroba. . . = 32*38 „
„ Quintal . . = 129-54 „
,, Alqueire (of Rio) . = 1 imperial bushel.
,, Oitava . . . = 55 - 34 grains.
Besides the above, the weights and measures of Portugal are still in use in some parts of the empire.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Brazil.
1. Official Publications.
Almanak do Ministerio da Marinha, 1870. Vol. XII. 8. Rio de Janeiro) 1870.
Almanak Militar para, o Anno de 1870. 8. Rio de Janeiro, 1870.
Almanak para o Anno de 1870. 8. Rio de Janeiro, 1870.
Collecciio das Leis do Imperio doBrasile e Colleccao dasDecisoes doGoverno do Imperio do Brasil. 8. Rio de Janeiro, 1864-70.
Reports by Mr. J. Pakenham, H. M.'s Secretary of Legation, on the Finances and the Commerce of Brazil, dated Jan. 30, and Feb. 14, 1867; in 'Reports by H. M."s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' Xos. IV. and V. 1867. London, 1867.
Report by Mr. F. J. Pakenham, H. M.'s Secretary of Legation, on the Finances of Brazil, dated Rio de Janeiro, May 1, 1S68 ; in ' Reports by H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation. 1 Xo. IV. 1868. London, 1868.
Report by Mr. Lennon Hunt, on the Trade, Agriculture, and Finances of Brazil, dated Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 5, 1869 ; in 'Commercial Reports received at the Foreign Office.' No. III. 1870. 8. London, 1S70.
2. Non-Official Publications.
Agassis (Louis), Journey in Brazil. 8. Pp. 540. London, 1S68.
Ave-Lallemant (Dr. Robert), Reise durch Siid-Brasilien und Nord-Brasilien, 1858 und 1859. 4 vols. 8. Leipzig, 1865.
Burmeister (Hermann), Beise nach Brasilien. 8. Berlin, 1853.
Burton (Capt. R. F.), Exploration of the Highlands of Brazil. 2 vols. 8. London, 1869.
Candida (Mendes de Almeida), Atlas do Imperio do Brazil. Fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1868.
Heywood (James), The Resources of Brazil. In 'Journal of the Statistical Society of London.' Vol. XXVII. 8. London, 1864.
ERnchliff (Thomas W.), South American Sketches; or, a Visit to Rio Janeiro, the Organ Mountains. La Plata, and the Parana. 8. London, 1S64.
Kidder (J.) and Fletcher (F.), Brazil and the Brazilians. 8. Philadelphia, 1857.
Ixiemmert (Eduardo von), Almanak Administrative, mercantil e industrial da corte e pruvincia do Rio de Janeiro para o anno de 1870. Rio de Janeiro, 1870.
Lahure (N. de), L'Empire de Bresil. 8. Paris, 1862.