In the army estimates for 1869-70, voted in June, 1869, the strength of the standing army was fixed at 20,000 on the peace-footing, and at 60,000 on the war-footing. There were actually under arms, according to official reports, at the end of April, 1869 : —
In garrison within the empire:
6 . * Men
Troops of the line 7,793
Militia and Besorve ....... 6,458
Total . . 14,251 In campaign in Paraguay :
Staff and administration ...... 456
Engineers ........ 761
Artillery 1,577
Cavalry ......... 6,734
Infantry 18^379
Total . . 27,907
Aggregate total . 42,158 Besides the forces above enumerated, there exists a National Guard, the strength of which, according to official returns, was as follows at the end of June, 1869 : —
Artillery 8,231
Cavalry ......... 53,325
Infantry, active ....... 453,992
,, reserve 88,383
Total . . 603,931 The army, formerly very small, was entirely reorganised in May 1865, when Brazil, in concert with the Argentine Confederation and Uruguay, commenced war against Paraguay. According to official re- ports, 20,550 men took the field on this occasion, and the number was gradually increased, till, in the summer of 1869, it had been raised to- neatdy 28,000 men. The troops of Uruguay at the same time num- bered but about 1,000, and those of the Argentine Republic about 2,500, so that the burthen of the war fell upon Brazil. According to government estimates, more than 100,000 men were dispatched successively from the empire to the seat of war in the years 1865-69. The Imperial navy consisted in June, 1869, of 87 men-of-war, 76 of which were commissioned, and 11 on the reserve. The active naval force comprised 8 sailing vessels, 52 steam-gunboats, and 16 ironclads, with a total propelling force of 7,299 horse-power, and an armament of 2GS guns, of which 55 were rifled cannon throwing- 70 to 150 pounders. The naval force in reserve consisted of 2 frigates, ;j corvettes, and 6 steam-gunboats, besides 38 steam launches. The navy was commanded and manned, at the same date, by 411 officers, 7,215 sailors, and 1,818 marines.
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