of the ordinary duties of legislation. The Chamber of Deputies has the initiative in the assessment of taxes, in matters concerning the army and navy, and in the choice of the sovereign of the realm, should the latter act become necessary. The Senate has the exclu- sive privilege of taking cognisance of offences committed by members of the Imperial family, and by senators and deputies, if committed during the session. It is also invested with the right of convoking the legislative assembly, should the Emperor fail to do so, within two months after the period fixed by law.
The executive power is vested in the sovereign, assisted by his ministers and a council of state. The ministers are responsible for treason, corruption, abuse of power, and all acts contrary to the con- stitution, or the liberty, security, and property of the citizens. From this responsibility they cannot escape upon the plea of orders from the sovereign. The executive functions consist in the convocation of the ordinary meetings of the legislative assembly ; the nomination of bishops, governors of provinces, and magistrates ; the declaration of peace or war ; and the general execution and superintendence of all measures voted by the legislature. The 'moderating' power, like- wise vested in the sovereign, gives him the authority, not only to select ministers and senators, but to temporarily withhold his sanction from legislative measures, to convoke extraordinary legislative as- semblies, to dissolve the Chamber of Deputies, and to grant amnes- ties and pardons. The ministry is divided into seven departments, namely : —
1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs. — Visconde de San Vicente, appointed minister of foreign affairs, and president of the council of ministers, September 29, 1870.
2. The Ministry of Finance. — Conselheiro Francisco Salles Torres Homen, appointed September 29, 1870.
3. The Ministry of the Interior. — Dr. Alfredo Correa de Oliveira, appointed July 16, 1868.
4. The Ministry of Justice. — Barao das Tres Barras, appointed September 29, 1870.
5. The Ministry of War. — Lieut. -General John Frederick Caldwell, appointed minister of war ' ad interim,' September 30, 1870.
6. The Ministry of Marine. — Dr. Luiz Antonio Pereira Franco, appointed September 29, 1870.
7. The Ministry of Public "Works, Agriculture, and Commerce. — Dr. Jeronymo Teixeira, appointed September 20, 1870.
The ministers are assisted by a Council of State, consisting of twelve ordinary and twelve extraordinary members, all named by the Emperor for life. The twelve ordinary members are constantly consulted on matters of administration and international questions,
but the whole twenty-four are convened only on special occasions