and was chosen ' Constitutional Emperor and Perpetual Protector' on the 12th October following. Having decided to abdicate in 1831, he left the crown to his only son, the present Emperor Pedro II.
The Brazilian empire derives from Portugal the principles of hereditary succession to the crown, which exclude the Salic law, and allow females to occupy the throne.
Constitution and Government.
The constitution of Brazil bears date March 25, 1824. If establishes four powers in the State — the legislative, the executive, the judicial, and the 'moderating' power, or the royal prerogative. The legislative power is vested, for the affairs of the empire, in a general legislative assembly, and for provincial affairs in the provincial assemblies. The genei'al legislative assembly consists of two Houses, the Senate and the Congress. The members of both Houses are elected by the people, but under different forms. Senators are chosen for life at electoral meetings expressly convened, each of which has to nominate three candidates, leaving the choice between them to the sovereign or his ministers. A senator must be forty years of age, a native-born Brazilian, and possessing a clear annual income of 1,600 milreis, or 160/. Senators receive a salary of 3,600 milreis, or 360/., each session.
The members of the House of Congress are chosen by indirect election, for the term of four years. For this purpose, the country is divided into electoral districts, where every 30 voters appoint one elector, and a number of the latter, varying according to popu- lation, nominate the deputy. The qualification for a voter is an annual income, of any sort, of 200 milreis, or 20/. The electors must have an income of 400 milreis, or 40/. a year, as a qualifica- tion ; and the deputies must have an income of 800 milreis each, or 80/. per annum. All voters, inscribed on the lists, are bound to eive their votes, under a penalty. Minors, monks, and servants are not allowed a vote ; and naturalised foreigners, as well as persons not professing the Roman Catholic religion, are incapable of being elected deputies. The latter receive a salary of 2,400 milreis, or 240/., each session, besides travelling expenses.
The annual session of the legislative assembly has to commence on May 3, and ordinarily extends over four months. Each House nomi- nates its own officers. The two Houses sit in general assembly at the opening and close of the session for the deliberation of important measures; and on these occasions the president of the Senate takes the chair, and the senators and deputies sit in mixed order. The
two Houses sit apart during the rest of the session, in the execution