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Memoria presentada por el Ministro de estado en el departamento de hacienda al Congreso nacional de 1870. 4. Buenos Aires, 1870.
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Keport by Mr. Mac Donell, British Secretary of Legation, of the Budget of the Argentine Confederation for the year 1869-70, dated Buenos Ayres, July 15, 1869; in 'Reports by H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' No. I. 1870. 8. London, 1870.
Keport by Mr. Francis Clare Ford, British Secretary of Legation, on the Finances, the Trade, and the Besources of the Argentine Confederation, dated Oct. 30, 1866 ; in ' Reports by H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' No. II. 1867. London, 1867.
Reports by Mr. M. E. Hollister, U. S. Consul at Buenos Ayres, dated Jan. 9, 1868, and of Mr. W. Wheelwright, U. S. Commercial Agent at Rosario, dated March 5, 1868, on the Trade and Industry of the Argentine Confederation, in ' Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Nations.' 8. Washington, 1868.
2. Non-Official Publications.
Almanaque Agricola, pastoril e industrial de la Republica Argentine y de Buenos Ayres. 4. Buenos Ayres, 1870.
Andree (Karl Theodor), Buenos-Ayres und die Argentinische Republik. 8. Leipzig, 1856.
Arcos (Santiago), La Plata. Etude historique. 8. Paris, 1865.
Burmeister (Hermann), Reise durch die La-Plata Staaten. 2 vols. 8. Halle, 1861.
Colonias de Santa Fe. Su origen, progreso y actual situacion. Con obser- vaciones generales sobre la emigracion a la Republica Argentina. 4. Rosario de Santa Fe, 1864.
Dominguez (S.), Historia Argentina. 8. Buenos Ayres, 1862.
Hutchinson (Thomas J.), Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings; with Extracts from a Diary of Salado Exploration in 1862-3. 8. London, 1865.
Latham (Wilfrid), The States of the River Plate, their Industries and Com- merce. 2nd ed. 8. London, 1868.
Mitre (Bartolome), Estudios historicos sobre la Revolucion Argentina. 4. Buenos Ayres, 1864.
Moussy (H. de), Description geographique et statistique de la Confederation Argentine. 2 vols. 8. Paris, 1861.
Mulhall (M. G. and E. T.), Handbook of the River Plate. 2 vols. 8. Buenos Ayres, 1870. '
Richard (Major F. Ignacio), The mineral and other resources of the Argentine Republic in 1869. Published by special authority of the national government. 8. pp. 324. London, 1870.
Sarmiento (Domingo Faustino), Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Tyrants. Translated by Mrs. H. Mann. 8. London, 1868.
Sastre (Marcos), La educacion popular en Buenos Aires. Memoria pre- sentada al consejo de instruccion publica. 8. Buenos Airos, 1865.
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