Name of railway
Places connected
English miles
Government guarantee
of years
Rate of
Western Buenos Ayres .
Northern Buenos Ayres
Southern Buenos Ayres
Buenos Ayres & Euse-
vada Central Argentine Eastern Argentine
Buenos Ayres and Mer- cedes ....
Buenos Ayres and San
Fernando . Buenos Ayres and Chas-
comas .... Buenos Ayres and Euse-
vada .... Rosario and Cordova Concordia and Mercedes .
247 200
150,000 700,000
6,400 per mile 13,353 per mile
20 40
40 40
7 7
7 7
The railway lines open for traffic in September 1870 were of a length of 458 English miles, while 60 miles more were under con- struction at the same date, 210 more miles were contracted for. and -100 miles were in course of being surveyed. A loan of 0,000,000/., granted by the National Congress in October 1870, was to be devoted mainly for completing the Central Argentine Railway, notably by the construction of a line from Cordova to Tucuman.
At the end of September 1870, there were 836 miles of telegraph lines in operation, and upwards of 1,000 miles in course of con- struction.
Nearly the whole of the capital for the construction of the lines already opened was subscribed in England.
Money, Weights, and Measures.
The money, weights, and measures of the Argentine Confederation, and the British equivalents, are as follows : —
The Dollar (' hard dollar') Average rate of exchange, 4s. ,, Piastre . . . „ „ „ 116 to 1/. sterling.
Weights and Measures.
The Quintal = 101-40 lbs. avoirdupois.
„ Arroba ......= 25 - 35 ,, „
„ Fancga = 1|. imperial bushel.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning the Argentine Confederation.
1. Official Publications. Memoria del Ministerio del interior de la Eepubliea Arjentina presentada al
Congreso nacional de 1870. 4. Buenos Aires, 1870.