Constitution and Government.
The constitution of the Argentine Confederation, a group of states formerly united under the name of ' Provincias del Rio de la Plata,' bears date May 15, 1858. By its provisions, the executive power is left to a president, elected for six years by representatives of the fourteen provinces, 133 in number ; while the legislative authority is vested in a National Congress, consisting of a Senate and a House of Deputies, the former numbering 28, two from each province, and the latter 50 members. The members of both the Senate and the Plouse of Deputies are paid for their services, the annual salaries amount- ing in the aggregate to 45,000/., of which sum the 28 senators receive 16,500/., and the 50 deputies 25,500/. A vice-president, elected in the same manner, and at the same time as the president, fills the office of chairman of the Senate, but has otherwise no political power. The president is commander-in-chief of the troops, and appoints to all civil, military, and judicial offices ; but he and his ministers are responsible for their acts, and liable to impeach- ment before the Senate and the House of Representatives.
President of the Confederation — Colonel Domingo Faustino Sar- viknto, born 1809 ; formerly governor of the province of San Juan; elected president, October 12, 1868.
Vice-President of the Confederation. — Dr. A. Alsina, elected October 12, 1808.
The Ministry, appointed by and acting under the orders of the President, is divided into five departments, namely, of the Interior, of Foreign Affairs, of Finance, of War and Marine, and of Education and Public Worship.
The president of the. Confederation has a salary of 3,386/., the vice-president of 1,505/., and each of the five ministers of 1,317/. each per annum.
The governors of the various provinces are invested with very extensive powers, and to a certain degree independent of the, central executive. They are not appointed by the president of the
Confederation, but elected by the people for a term of three years.