country, mainly at the cost of the state. The following table, the materials for which were furnished to the Statesman's Year-book by the Swedish Government, gives the chief particulars concerning the length, cost, and produce of the Swedish railways in the years 1806 and 1867 : —
Kail ways
_ ., , „,. t ( Swedish miles
Total length of hues opened J EngUsh mileg
_ ., , , , ., C Eiksdaler
Capital employed per mile ^ £ gterling
Number of passengers conveyed
Eeceipts from passengers, Eiksdaler . ,, from goods & cattle, Eiksdaler
r,, , i • j. r u S Eiksdaler
Total receipts from all sources 1 £ sterling
„ f Eiksdaler
Total working expenses . -J £ aterling _
( Eiksdaler Net revenue . . . } £ gterling _
j per Swedish mile, Eiksdaler . " " j per English mile, £ sterling
Eate per cent, upon the expended capital
969 638
802,126 44,562
2.469,333 2,489,642
5,064,371 281,354
2,972.501 165,138
100-6 665
816,296 45,344
2,613,772 3,228,256
6,017,049 334,275
3,591,906 199,550
2,091,870 116,216
21,580 182
2,425,143 134,725
24,251 202
The revenue, during the first seven years in which the state railways were open to the public, increased at the rate of 33'849 per cent, per Swedish mile, while the cost of maintenance and traffic did not show any increase. The net revenue over and above the expenditure during the seven years rose from 713 riksdalers 22 ore, or 39/!. 12s. 5cl, to 16,687 riksdalers 85 ore, or 927/. 2s., per Swedish mile, while the expenditure, as compared with the revenue, was reduced from 98 to 65 per cent. Moreover, the net revenue, from having been at first 0092 per cent, on the capital expended ibr the construction of the state railways, rose to upwards of 2 per cent, on that capital.
It is calculated that the network of Swedish railways, as at
present planned, will be completed in 1872.