61 delegates of Croatia, Slavonia, and Transylvania. The right to summon, prorogue, and dissolve the Diet rests with the king, but in the case of a dissolution new elections must take place within three months. The Diet has to meet in annual session.
The executive of the Transleithan kingdom is exercised, in the name of the king, by a responsible ministry, consisting of a president and nine departments, namely :—
The Presidency of the Council.—Count Gyula Andrádssy, of Csik-Szent-Kiráty and Kraszna-Horka, born March 8, 1823; representative of Zemplin in the Hungarian Diet, 1847-49; ambassador of the 'Republic of Hungary' to the Sultan of Turkey, 1849; exiled 1849-60; re-elected representative of the district of Zemplin in the Hungarian Diet, 1861. Appointed president of the council of ministers by royal rescript, approved by the Diet, February 17, 1867.
1. The Ministry of National Defence (Landesvertheidigung).—Count Gyula Andrádssy, President of the Council, appointed pro tempore.
2. The Ministry near the King's person (ad latus).—Count George Festetics, appointed Minister ad latus, or Representative of the Hungarian Government near the person of the King, February 24, 1867.
3. The Ministry of Finance.—Baron Kerkapolyi, appointed June 1870.
4. The Ministry of the Interior.—Paul von Rajnér, appointed October 24, 1869.
5. The Ministry of Education and of Public Worship.—Baron Joseph Eötvös, born at Buda, September 3, 1813; studied jurisprudence, but devoted himself after a time exclusively to literature, publishing a great number of dramas, romances, and political works; Hungarian minister of education, 1848-49; exiled 1849-52; elected representative of Buda in the Hungarian Diet, 1861. Appointed minister of education and of public worship, February 24, 1867.
6. The Ministry of Justice.—Balthasar Horváth, appointed February 24, 1867.
7. The Ministry of Public Works.—Stephan Gorove, Minister of Agriculture and Commerce 1867-70; appointed Minister of Public Works, July 1870.
8. The Ministry of Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce.—Baron J. Szlávy, appointed July 1870.
9. The Ministry for Croatia and Slavonia.—Count Bedekovich, appointed Dec. 8, 1868.
The sovereign of Hungary, though acknowledged as Emperor of Austria, is styled 'king' in all public acts.