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41 6 SPAIN.

Reports by Mr. L. S. Sackville West, British Secretary of Legation, on the Trade, the Railways and Navigation, and the Finances of Spain, dated Jan. 1, and Jan. 15, 1867 ; in 'Reports by H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy.' No. V. 1867. London, 1867.

Report by Mr. Consul Grattan, 'on the Trade and Commerce of the Canary Islands for the year 1867,' dated Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, June 30, 1868; in ' Commercial Reports received atthe Foreign Office.' No. XL 1868. London, 1868.

Report by Mr. Consul Ricketts, ' on the Trade and Commerce of the Philip- pine Islands for the year 1867,' dated Manilla, April 15, 1S68 ; in ' Commercial Reports received at the Foreign Office.' No XI. 1868. London, 1868.

Report by Mr. Consul Cowper, ' on the Trade and Commerce of Porto Rico during the year 1869,' dated Porto Rico, Jan. 1, 1870; in 'Commercial Re- ports received at the Foreign Office.' No. III. 1870. London, 1870.

Statistical Tables relating to Foreign Countries. Part XL Fol. London, 1868.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Block (Moritz), Die Bevblkerung Spaniens und Portugals, nach den Original- quellen, in ihren wichtigsten Verhaltnissen statistisch dargestellt. 8. Gotha, 1861.

C'arrasco (L.), Geografia General de Espana. 8. Madrid. 1861.

Codlo (Fr. de Lujan), Resehas Geografica, Geologica y Agricola de Espana. 8. Madrid, 1864.

Colmeiro (Manuel), Derecho Administrativo Espanol. 3rd ed. Vol. I. 4. Madrid, 1865.

Colmeiro (Manuel), Historia de la Economia Politica en Espana. 2 vols. 8. Madrid, 1864.

Fomento (El) de Espana. Revista Universal de Agricultura. Fol. Madrid, 1865.

Garrido (Fernando), L'Espagne Contemporaine, ses Progres Moraux et Mate- riels an 19me Siecle. Bruxelles, 1862.

Garrido (Fprnando), La Espana Contemporanea. 8. Barcelona, 1865.

Jaybert (Leon), Situation financiere de l'Espagne. 8. 47 pp. Paris, I860.

Lestgarens (J.), La Situation Economique et Industrielle de l'Espagne en 1860. Bruxelles, 1861.

Madoz (Pascal), Diccionario Geografico, estadistico, y historico de Espafia y sus provincias de ultramar, 16 vols. 4. Madrid, 1846-50.

Mazade (Ch. de), Les revolutions de l'Espagne. 8. Paris, 1869.

Murray (John). Handbook for Travellers in Spain. 8. London, 1868.

Polin (D. Jose Lopez), Diccionario Estadistico Municipal de Espana. 4. Madrid, 1863.

Viilal (J. L.), L'Espagne en 1860. Etat Politique, Administrative, Legis- lative; Institutions Economiques ; Statistique Generale de ce Royaume. 8. Paris. 1861.

Vitta-Atardi (Baron de), Consideraciones sobre el Estado Administrativo y Economico de Espana. 4. Madrid, 1S65.

WUlkomm (Heinrich Moritz), Das pyrenaische Halbinselland. 8. Leipzig,


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