Money, Weights, and Measures.
The money, weights, and measures of Spain, and the British equivalents, are as follows : —
The Real = 100 Centimes = Average rate of exchange, 100 = £1 sterling. „ Peseta = 4 Eeales = „ „ „ 25 = £1
„ Escude = 10 Eeales = „ „ „ 10 = £1 „
"Weights axd Measures.
Since January 1, 1859, the French metric system of weights and measures has been introduced in Spain, with no other change than a slight one of names, the metre becoming the metro, the litre the litro, the gramme the gramo, and the are the area. But, beside these, the old weights and measures are still largely used. They are : —
The Quintal .
„ Libra
. , i for wine „ Arroba -j ^
„ Square Vara . „ Fanega .
101 "4 lbs. avoirduoois.
3 5 imperial gallons.
2| „ „
1-09 Vara = 1 yard.
H imperial bushel.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Spain.
1. Official Publications.
Anuario Estadistieo de Espaha, correspondiente a 1867 y 1869. 4. Madrid 1869.
Censo de la Poblacion de Espaiia, segun el recuento verifieado en 25 de diciembre de 1860 por la Junta General de Estadistica. Publicase de orden de S. M. Eol. Madrid, 1863.
Constitueion de la naeion Espanola, promulgada en Madrid el 6 de Junio de 1869. 24. Madrid, 1869.
Diario de Sesiones de las Cortes Constituyentes. 4. Madrid, 1869.
Estado General de la Armada para el afio de 1868. 4. Madrid, 1869.
Memoria presentada al Congreso de Diputados por la Comision Inspeetora de las Operaciones de la Deuda Publiea. Madrid, 1868.
Nomenclator de los Pueblos de Espana, formado por la Comision de Estadis- tica General del Reino. Publicase de orden de S. M. Eol. Madrid, 1868.
Report by Mr. Robert Lytton, British Secretary of Legation, 'on Spanish Finances,' dated Madrid, November 29, 1868; in 'Reports of H. M.'s Secre- taries of Embassy and Legation.' No. I. 1869. London, 1869.
Report by Mr. L. C. Sackville West, British Secretary of Legation, on the Financial State of Spain, dated Madrid, March 1. 1866 ; in ' Reports by H.M.'s Secretaries of Embassy.' No. XIV. London, 1866.
Reports by Mr. L. C. P. West, British Secretary of Legation, on Commerce and General Statistics, dated Jan. 1, 1866; in ' Reports by H. M.'s Secrc-taii^
of Embassy.' No. XIII. London, 1866.