that of Italy — 3-862, and still more below the 4*034 per cent, of Austria. But the death-rate in Spain in 1866 was also high, being 2-805 per cent.; and the average of the six years was 2*890 per cent. This rate of mortality contrasts unfavourably with that of the United Kingdom, which Avas 2'301 per cent, in 1866, as well as that of France, which was 2'326 per cent. The death-rate in Italy in 1866 was 2 - 896 per cent., and in Austria 3 - 232 per cent. The result was that the excess of birth-rate over death-rate in Spain in 1866 was only - 93 per cent.; in the United Kingdom it was 1-247 per cent. The number of boys born in Spain is large, ave- raging in the last decennial period, 1,068, to 1,000 girls; never- theless the last census found more females than males in the population.
Subjoined is the population of the principal towns of Spain, according to an enumeration made on the 31st of December 1864:—
Madrid Barcelona
475,785 252,015 152,000 145,512 113,050
Murcia Grenada .
Saragossa . Cadiz
According to the census of 1860, out of 3,803,991 able-bodied men, 125,000 belonged to the clergy, 241,335 to the army, navy, and military functionaries, and 478,716 to the nobility. The re- mainder comprised 47,312 students, 5,673 advocates, 9,351 writers, 27,922 belonging to the customs, and 206,090 servants, forming a total of 1,221,799 men living apart from all manufacturing or agri- cultm-al labour.
Nearly 46 per cent, of the whole surface of the kingdom is still • uncultivated. The soil is subdivided among a very large number of proprietors. Of the 3,426,083 assessments of the property-tax, there are 624,920 properties which pay from 1 to 10 reales ; 511,666 from 10 to 20 reales; 642,377 from 20 to 40 reales; 788,184 from 40 to 100 reales ; 416,546 from 100 to 200 reales; 165,202 from 200 to 500 reales ; while the rest, to the number of 279,188, are larger estates charged from 500 to 10,000 reales and upwards. The subdivision of the soil is partly the work of recent years, for in 1800 the number of farms amounted only to 677,520, in the hands of 273,760 proprietors and 403,760 farmers.
The titled nobility of the kingdom, the first class of which is called the ' Grandeza,' while the members of the second are known
as ' Titulados,' is very numerous. It consisted in 1863 of 82 dukes,