navy. 377
Russian Government pays them an annual tribute of 21,310 roubles, besides 20 roubles as a gift to be distributed among the widows and orphans of those who have fallen in battle. Resides the Cos- sacks of the Don, there are, on the Orenburg and Siberian lines, the Bashkir Cossacks, numbering some 200,000 men.
By the terms of an Imperial decree, issued in December 1870, preparations are to be made for repealing the whole existing army organisation of Russia, and introducing in its stead general liability to arms, as carried out in Germany.
2. Navy.
The Russian navy consists of two great divisions, the fleet of the Baltic, and that of the Black Sea. Each of these two fleets is again subdivided into sections, of which three are in or near the Baltic, and three in or near the Black Sea, to which must be added the small squadrons of galleys, gun-boats, and similar vessels. The divisions, like the English, carry the white, blue, and red flag — an arrangement originating with the Dutch — but without the rank of the admirals being connected with the colour of the flag.
Thesailors of the imperial navj'are levied, like the army, by recruit- ment ; as many of them, however, as possible are enlisted voluntarily, and the crews furnished by Finland are obtained altogether in this manner. The period of service in the navy was formerly twenty- two years, but was reduced, by imperial decree of September 10, 1859, to fourteen years.
According to an official report, the Russian fleet consisted, January 1, 1869, of 290 steamers, having 38,100 horse-power, with 2,205 guns, besides 29 sailing vessels, with 65 guns. The greater and more formidable part of this navy was stationed in the Baltic. The Black Sea fleet numbered 43, the Caspian 39, the Siberian or Pacific 30, and the Lake Aral or Turkestan squadron 1 1 vessels ; the rest of the ships were either stationed at Kronstadt and Sweaborg, or engaged in cruising in European waters.
The expenditure for the navy was as follows in the five years 1862-66, according to the official budgets: —
1862 .
. 20,589,831
1863 .
. 18,029,793
1864 .
. 21,684,339
3 097.762
1865 .
. 22,322,458
1866 .
. 21,636,417
The principal branches of the navy expenditure of 1866 were aa
follows : —