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Statistical and other Books of Reference relating to Portugal.

1. Official Publications.

Keport by Mr. Lytton, British Secretary of Legation, on the Financial Administration of Portugal, dated July 30, 1865; in 'Reports of H.M.'s Secretaries of Embassy.' No. XL London, 1866.

Reports by Mr. Hemes, British Secretary of Legation, on Commerce and Finance, dated July, 1863, and Jan. 27, 1861 ; in ' Reports of H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy,' &c. No. VII. London, 1864.

Report by Mr. Consul Smith on the Trade of Portugal for the year 1862 ; in 'Commercial Reports received at the Foreign Office.' London, 1865.

Reports by Mr. Lytton, British Secretary of Legation, on Agriculture and Manufactures in Portugal, and on the Portuguese Tariff, dated June 22, 1866, and June 15, 1867 ; in 'Reports of H.M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Lega- tion.' Nos. I. and IV., 1867. London, 1867.

Report by Mr. Wm. Doria, British Secretary of Legation, on the Mines and Mineral Resources of Portugal, dated Lisbon, June 24, 1869 ; in 'Reports of H.M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' No. IV., 1869. London. 8. 1869.

Reports by Mr. Geo. Brackenbury, Consul at Lisbon, and Mr. Wm. Doria, Secretary of Legation, on Agriculture and Land Tenure in Portugal, dated December 1869; in 'Reports from H.M.'s Representatives respecting the Tenure of Land in several countries of Europe.' Parti. Fol. London, 1867.

Statistical Tables relating to Foreign Countries. Part XL Fol. London, 1868.

2. Non-Officiax Publications.

Aldama-Ayala (G. de) Compendio Geographico-estadisfico de Portugal e sua Posesiones Ultramarinas. 8. Madrid, 1861).

Balbi (A.) Essai Statistique sur le Royaume de Portugal. 2 vols. 6. Paris, 1862.

Barros e Cunha (J. G. de) Historia da Liberdade em Portugal. Vol. I. 8. Lisboa, 1869.

Barros e Cunha (J. G. de) Hoje : on the present situation, financial and political, of the kingdom of Portugal. 8. Pp. 34. London, 1868.

Block (Moritz) Die Bevolkerung Spaniens und Portmgals, nach den Original- quellen, in ihren wichtigsten Verhaltnissen statistisch dargestellt. 8. Gotha, 1861.

Brandao e Albuqvcrque (J. da C.) Censo de 1865. 8. Lisboa, 1866.

Diccionario abreviado de chorographia, topographia etc. de Portugal. -3 vols. 8. Lisboa, 1867.

Eschioegc (Wilhelm L. von) Portugal : ein Staats-und Sittengemalde, nach dreissigiiihrigen Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen. 8. Hamburg, 1837.

Laviqne (Germond de) L'Espagne et le Portugal. 8. Paris, 1867.

Marques (P. G ) Diccionario G?ogr/tfieo Abbreviado das -oito Provineias de Portugal e Algarve. 8. Porto, 1868.

Minutoli (G. von) Portugal und seine Colonien im Jahre 1854. 2 vols. 8. Stuttgart, 1855.

Bebello da Siha (L. A.) Compendio de Economia Industrial. 8. Lisboa, 1868.

Voqel (Ch.) Le Pertugal et ses Colonies ; Tableau Politique et Commercial de la Monarchic Portugaise. 8. Paris, 1866.

Willkomm (Heinr. Moritz) Das Pyreniiische Halbinselland. &. Leipzig,


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