Revenue and Expenditure.
The annual revenue of Portugal amounted, on the average of the last ten years, to 3,500,000/. sterling, while the average expenditure during the same period was about 750,000/. more. The estimated ordinary revenue of the kingdom for the year 1868-69 amounted to 16,910,137 milreis, or 3,757,808/., and the expenditure for the same period to 23,043,764 milreis, or 5,120,836/., leaving a deficit of 6,133,627 milreis, or 1,363,028/.
The following were the gross sums of the budget of the financial year 1868-69, as approved by the General Cortes : —
Revenue for 1868-69.
Direct taxes ......
Indirect taxes and customs
National domains and miscellaneous receipts
Deductions from civil list and salaries
Total estimated revenue
f 16,910,137 \ £3,757,808
Expenditure for 1868-69.
Interest on home debt ....
,, on foreign debt .... Ministry of finance ....
,, of the interior ....
„ of justice and ecclesiastical affairs
,, of war .....
,, of marine and colonies
„ of foreign affairs
„ of commerce and public woi'ks . Extraordinary expenditure
Total estimated expenditure .
Milreia 4,602,224 3,358,760 3,718,592 1,898,635
642,970 3,692,584 1,562,233
226,166 1,114,392 2,227,208
23,043.764 £5,120,836
There has been no budget for the last thirty years without a deficit. The expenditure amounted, in 1834, to 14,911,314 milreis ; in 1844, to 11,158,214; and in 1854, to 11,784,472 milreis. In the financial year 1858-59 the public expenditure was 12,947,061 milreis, or 2,913,088/., in 1860-61 it rose to 13,987,859 milreis, or 3,147,268/.; in 1862-63, to 22,329,239 milreis, or 4,962,053/. ; and in 1867-68 to 22,695,979 milreis, or 5,044,662/. The deficit for the last-named year amounted to 5,81 1,560 milreis, or 1 ,292.59(1/.,
being rather more than the estimated deficit of 1868-69. The