3 1 '
The sale of other State property, valued at 423,000,000 lire, or 16,920,000/., is proceeding gradually. It was stated by the minister of finance, in 1809, that a sum of 718,000,000 lire, or 28,720,000/., would be required by the Government to clear off arrears and cover deficits, up to the year 1873, at which time, it was hoped, there would be an equilibrium of revenue and expenditure.
The following table represents the growth of the debt of the kingdom, after official returns: — Amount
Liabilities £
Sardinian Loan, October, 1859 3,800,000
Loan of the ^Emilia, January 22, 1860 .... 320,000
Loan of Tuscany, January 25, 1860 .... 1,040,000
National Loan, July 12, 1860 6,000,000
Alienation of Neapolitan Stock, 1860-61 . . . 4,930,000
Alienation of Sicilian Stock, 1860 . . . . )
Sicilian Loan, 1861 ) I' 810 . 000
National Loan, July 17, 1861 20,000,000
National Loan, March 11, 1863 28,000,000
Sale of Rentes, November 25, 1864 . . . . 2,480,000
LoaD.May 11, 1865 17,000,000
Alienation of Stock for the Ligurian Railway . . 2,400,000
Advances on the sale of National property, Nov. 24, 1864 6,000,000
Sale of State railways, May 14, 1866 . . . . 7,400,000
Alienation of Church property, July 7, 1866. . . 3,800,000
Paid to Austria on Treaty of Peace, October 3, 1866 . 3,730,000
National Loan, July 28, 1866 12,440,000
Advances on sale of tobacco monopoly, August 24, 1868 6,940,000
Loan secured on State domains, October 8, 1869 . . 5,200,000
Loan from National Bank, February 1870 . . . 20,000,000
Total . 153,090,000
The above represents the consolidated debt of the kingdom, not included in which are liabilities and guarantees of various kinds, which brought the total debt of Italy, end of 1870, to upwards of 251,000,000/., forming an annual charge on the revenue of 20,314,326/., distributed as follows : — Lire
Interest on Consolidated Debt 262,410,621
,, Redeemable do. .
„ Debt not included in the Great Book
Annuities and Railway Guarantees
Total Interest Expenses of management .
Total .
506,117,720 1,740,536
507,858,156 £20,314,326
The floating debt of the kingdom was estimated, in April, 1870, to amount to 34,520,000/., represented by 15,120,000/. of forced paper currency ; 7,400,000/. of church property bonds ; and
12,000,000/. of Treasury bonds.