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82.23; Benevento, 82.30; Ascoli Piceno, 82.49; Calabria Cit. 82.99 ; Trapani, 83.58 ; Girgenti, 85.82.
The above statistics give a general average of 64.27 persons without the slightest rudiments of education in every hundred members of the adult male population of Italy.
There are thirteen universities in Italy, including the Roman States. These are — Bologna, founded in the year 1119; Naples, founded in 1244; Padua, in 1228; Rome, in 1244; Perugia, in 1320 ; Pisa, in 1329 ; Siena, in 1349 ; Pavia, said to have been established by Charlemagne in 774, reorganised in 1390; Turin. founded in 1412; Parma, in 1422; Florence, in 1443; Catania, in 1445; Cagliari, in 1764 ; and Genoa, in 1783. To these may be added the high schools of Palermo, Camerino, and Macerata.
Revenue and Expenditure.
The financial accounts laid before the Italian Parliament divide both the revenue and expenditure into an ordinary and extraordinary part, or ' Parte ordinaria,' and ' Parte straordinaria.' The total ordinary revenue of the kingdom amounted, on the average of the three years 1867-9, to 800 millions lire, or 32,000,000/., while the ordinary expenditure was upwards of 1,000 millions lire, or 40,000,000/., leaving, without the extraordinary disbursements, often very large, an annual deficit of more than 200 millions lire, or 8,000,000/. The actual ordinary revenue of Italy — excluding all receipts from loans, sales of public property, and other extra- ordinary resources — rose in the seven years 1862-69 from 18,850,000/. to 34,420,000/. as follows :—
Years £
1862 18,850,000
1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869
20,473.000 22,612,000 25,487,000 24,350,000 31,339.000 29,320,000 34,420,000
The three years 1867-69 include the revenue of the Venetian provinces ceded by Austria to Italy in 1866.
The budget estimates for the year 1870 stated the total revenue, ordinary and extraordinary, at 950,538,000 lire, or 38,021,520/. and the total expenditure at 1,111,871,000 lire, or 44,431,840/. leaving a deficit of 161,333,000 lire, or 6,413,320/. The budge; estimates for the year 1871, approved by the Chamber of Deputies were calculated on a total revenue of 1,152,536,323 lire, or
46,101,453/., against an expenditure of 1,149,750,446 lire, or