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Report by Mr. Lytton, Secretary of Legation, on the Government, Educa- tional Progress, Trade, and Industry of Greece; dated Jan. 20, 1865; in ' Eeports of H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' No. X, London, 1865.

Report by Mr. Edward Herbert, Secretary of Legation, on the Greek Budgets for 1668 and 1869, dated Athens, March 20, 1869; in ' Reports of H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' No. III. 1869. 8. London, 1869.

Reports of Messrs. Gould, Finlay, Merlin, Ongley, Sebright, and Saunders, dated October— November, 1869, on Population, Agriculture, and Tenure of Land in Greece, inclusive of the Ionian Islands ; in 'Reports from Her Majesty's Representatives respecting the Tenure of Land in the various countries of Europe.' Part I. Pol. London, 1870.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Ansted (Prof. D. T.) The Ionian Islands in the year 1863. 8. London, 1865.

ApjJcrf (B.) Vovage en Grece. 8 Athenes, 1856.

Baird. (H. M.) Modern Greece. 8. New York, 1860.

Bikelas (Demetrius) Statistics of the Kingdom of Greece. In ' Journal of the Statistical Society of London.' Vol. XXI. 8. London. 1868.

Carnarvon (Earl of) Reminiscences of Athens and the Morea. 8. London, 1870. . .

Casani (F.) Memorie storico-statistique sulla Dalmazia, sulle isole Ionie e Bulla Grecia. 2 vols. 8. Milano, 1862.

Dora d'Istria (Mme.) Excursions en Roumelie et en Moree. 2 vols. 8. Paris, 1865.

Kirkwall (Viscount) Four Years in the Ionian Islands : their Political and Social Condition, with a History of the British Protectorate. 2 vols. 8. London, 1864.

Koulouriot.es (A. J.) Greece : by a native of Athens. 8. London, 1863.

Lacroix (E.) Isles de la Grece. 8. Paris, 1861.

Lecontc (C.) Etude economique de la Grece. 8. Paris, 1849.

Maurer (G. L. von) Das Griechische Volk in offentlicher und privatrecht- licher Beziehung. 3 vols. 8. Heidelberg, 1835.

Bots (L.) Erinnerungen und Mittheilungen aus Griechenland. Mit Vor- â– wort von Jahn. 8. Berlin, 1864.

Schmidt (Dr. Julius) Beitrage zur physiealischen Geographie von Griechen- land. 3 vols. 8. Leipzig, 1864-70.

Strickland (Edw.) Greece, its condition and resources. London, 1863. Tozer (Rev. H. F.) Researches in the Higldands of Turkey, including Visits to Mounts Ida, Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and

other remote tribes. 2 vols. 8. London, 1869.

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